To add data to the custom data maintenance-window table in an auxiliary database


Perform this procedure to add an NE or service as the target of Analytics reporting to monitor downtime, for example, during a network maintenance window. You add the NE or service information to the custom auxiliary database table named custom_data.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct. This procedure employs the NSP custom data tool.

The following is an example of the table format:

Figure 14-7: Example of the custom_data.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct table format
Example of the custom_data.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct table format

Log in as the root user on an auxiliary database station.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/custom-data/bin ↵

Use a plain-text editor to create the following file in the directory that holds the source maintenance-window data:


The following define the table columns:

Note: The epoch time must be in milliseconds.

  • maintenanceType—node or service

  • affectedObjec—NE system or site ID, or service name

  • fullnameAffectedObjecteither—either:

    • NE FDN, in the format network:address

    • NFM-P service ID, in the format svc-mgr:service_ID

    An NFM-P NE properties form lists the NE system address.

    The NFM-P Manage Services form lists NFM-P service IDs.

  • startTime—maintenance window start; Unix epoch time, in milliseconds

  • endTime—maintenance window end; Unix epoch time, in milliseconds

  • description—optional object description; displayed as input option

For example:


Save and close the file.

Change the ownership of the file to samauxdb:

chown samauxdb:samauxdb NodeAvailability_Table.csv ↵

Enter the following to insert the data from the CSV file into the custom table:

./customData.bash --importData custom_data.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct NodeAvailability_Table.csv ↵

You are prompted for the password of the samauxdb user.

Enter the password.

The file data is imported to the custom_data.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct table.


Enter the following:

cd /opt/vertica/bin ↵


Enter the following:

./vsql -U samauxdb ↵

You are prompted for the password of the samauxdb user.


Enter the password.

A database console session opens.


Enter the following:

select * from custom_data.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct; ↵

The table data is inserted, and the table content is displayed.


Verify that the table content matches the information provided in the CSV file.


When the verification is complete, enter the following:

\q ↵

The database console session closes.


Close the console window on the auxiliary database station.

End of steps