How do I configure analytics aggregation?


Perform this procedure to configure the following for a statistics class to be processed using Analytics:

  • data aggregation level

  • aggregation data retention

Note: You can also configure the aggregation rule for a statistics class from the properties form of the analytics rule associated with the statistics class.


Choose Tools→Analytics→Aggregation Manager from the NFM-P main menu. The Aggregation Manager form opens.

Select an aggregation time zone if needed. The aggregation time zone is the time zone used to define daily, weekly, or monthly aggregations, that is, the definition of midnight.

On the Aggregation Rule tab, select the required aggregation rule and click Properties. The Aggregation Rule (Edit) form opens.

Select the Enable Aggregation parameter.

Configure the Aggregation Sync Time parameter.

Configure the Aggregation Levels parameter. As you select or deselect an option, other options may be automatically selected or deselected, as the aggregation logic requires.

Configure the parameters in the Aggregation Retention Configuration panel to specify how long the aggregation data is stored.

Click OK to save your changes and close the form.

Close the Aggregation Manager form.

End of steps