How do I manage saved reports?


You can save reports to the Results folder to make them available to run again with the same inputs. You can save different versions of the same report with different inputs, and organize them in subfolders as needed. Save reports directly to subfolders. See Workspaces for more information about the Results folder.

Each report version is assigned a resource ID at the time of saving. The resource ID is based on the name that is entered in the Save As dialog when the report is saved. After the report is saved, the name field can be updated. This means that you can have two report versions with the same displayed name, because their resource IDs are unique in the folder.

Example If you want to save both a Port Throughput Summary and a SAP Throughput report for a set of inputs representing the Eastern region, you can save the reports as PTEast and STEast. This gives each report a unique resource ID. From the Results folder, edit the name of both report versions to Eastern. This will make it easy to identify that both report versions have the same inputs.


Open Data Collection and Analysis Visualizations, Repository.

Expand Results and choose a folder.

The list of reports with saved user-specified report inputs is displayed. Click the arrow beside a report to expand the list.

To run a saved report, you can either:

  1. Click on the report name to open the report inputs. At the top of the inputs panel, choose the report to run.

  2. Click on the report name.

To create a subfolder in the Results folder:

  1. Right-click Results/Shared in the folder pane and choose Add Folder.

  2. In the Add Folder dialog, enter a name for the folder and a description.

  3. Click Add.

A personal subfolder within the Results folder is also created automatically when you first log into Analytics. Additionally, a user folder is also created when you access a report in-context from the NSP.

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