Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage report

Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage report overview

The Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage report shows the top specified number of subscribers that use the specified application groups.

Use cases

Subscriber profiling—Use the report to determine the behavior of a specific set of subscribers.

Top subscribers—Use the report to identify and characterize the behavior of the subscribers that have the highest network usage.

Report characteristics

The following table lists the principal report characteristics.

Table 10-17: Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage report characteristics



Statistics type

AA Accounting subscriber application group

NSP Flow Collector required


Selectable metrics or counters

Aggregation types

None (raw data)




Report inputs



End date

Calendar date or relative date (for example, two days ago) and time


Aggregation types:

  • None (raw data)

  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Monthly

Report range

Length of time to be reported, in minutes (minutes, min), hours (hours, h), days (days, d), weeks (w), or months (months, m)

Application Group

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).

Select individual items or click Select All.


Number of items to report

Drill-down support

Yes—Open Top Application Groups with Selected Subscriber to display a graph of the top application groups for the selected subscriber.


The following figures show report examples.

Figure 10-48: Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage report
Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage report
Figure 10-49: Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage - Total Volume
Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage - Total Volume
Figure 10-50: Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage - Download Volume
Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage - Download Volume
Figure 10-51: Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage - Upload Volume
Top Subscribers by Application Group Usage - Upload Volume