Service Uptime Summary report

Service Uptime Summary report overview

The Service Uptime Summary report shows uptime information for a service. Service Uptime Summary is the percentage of time that the service was completely up, factoring in outages.

The default display is a table showing outage information. Only SAP and SDP outages are displayed. Overlaps of SAP downtime and SDP downtime are considered in total downtime and percentage uptime calculations.

For example, if the SAP was down from 10:00 to 11:00 and the SDP was down from 10:30 to 11:30, then the overlap of 10:30 to 11 would be considered only once. The total downtime in this case would be 1:30:00 hours. Uptime % would be calculated based on this downtime.

Uptime % is calculated by the events recorded in the assurance_assuranceEvent Table. The current state of the service is taken from the currentState field of the Service table.

Uptime is calculated as follows:

Uptime = (Total Time) – (Time for which the SAP or Service was down)
Uptime % = (Uptime/Total Time) * 100
Use cases

SLA monitoring—Use the report to examine outage patterns, to ensure SLAs are met.


To create the Service Uptime Summary reports, enable the event logging using NSP Classic management for the following object types in the Timeline Settings in the NSP:

Report characteristics

The following table lists the principal report characteristics.

Table 14-7: Service Uptime Summary report characteristics



Data type

  • Configuration, operational state and events for service related objects derived by the system

  • Maintenance window information provided by the user

Source database

Auxiliary database

NE types supported

all 7210 SAS variants

all 7250 IXR variants

all 7450 ESS variants

all 7705 SAR variants

all 7750 SR and VSR variants

all 7950 XRS variants

OS 6860, OS 6450, OS 6900

Service types supported

VPRN, VPLS, Epipe, Ipipe, Cpipe

Report inputs



End date

Calendar date or relative date (for example, two days ago) and time


Aggregation types:

  • None (raw data)

  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Monthly

  • Raw Collection Interval

Report range

Length of time to be reported, in minutes (minutes, min), hours (hours, h), days (days, d), or months (months, m)

Name or name pattern for customer

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).


Search using partial names or wildcard (%).

Select individual items or click Select All.

Name or name pattern for service

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).


Search using partial names or wildcard (%).

Select individual items or click Select All.

Exclude SAP Downtime

When enabled, all SAP-related downtime is zero. The structure of the report and entries in the tables across the Uptime reports do not change. SAP outages are shown, but their downtime is zero (duration is not affected).

Exclude SAP

Threshold (%)

Threshold (seconds)

Logo Resource ID

The logo to add to the report. Enter the Resource ID of the logo image in the Images folder. The default is the Nokia logo. To create the report without a logo, leave the Logo Resource ID field blank.

Logo Position

Choose Left, Middle, or Right. The logo appears on the left on the first page of the report if you choose Left or Middle.

Show report output on one page

Select the check box to enable pagination.

Note: Using the Show report output on one page option when creating reports as drill-downs may impact report rendering time. Nokia recommends disabling the Show report output on one page option when creating reports.

Drill-down support

Yes—Open the SAP Uptime report for the selected SAP.


The following figure shows a report example.

Figure 14-9: Service Uptime Summary report
Service Uptime Summary report