How do I manage subscriptions?



Service Disruption

The name of an object, including subscriptions, baselines, indicators, templates, and chart profiles, cannot contain a semicolon (;) or backslash (\).

The use of these characters in an object identifier will result in corrupted data that must be deleted by Nokia support.



Open Data Collection and Analysis Management, Subscriptions.

To create a subscription:

  1. Click png3.pngSUBSCRIPTION.

  2. In the Create Subscription form that opens, configure the General parameters as needed.

    • Enable database (DB) subscriptions as needed to save subscription information to the NSP database. For subscription data to be available to Analytics, the auxiliary database must be deployed.

    • Enable file subscriptions as needed to save accounting statistic information to a file.

    • In the Directory Path for File Output field, enter a path for file output if needed.

      If the field is left blank, accounting files will be saved to accounting/output/ready.

      If a path is entered, the path folders are created in the accounting/output/ready. For example, if you enter new/files, the path to the files is accounting/output/ready/new/files.

      The path can include any number of subdirectories.

    • The subscription is enabled by default: it will start running immediately.

      Choose Disabled in the State field if you want to enable your subscription later.

  3. In the Object Filter field, enter filtering information as needed to filter the collected data.

    As you type, the field provides suggestions for available filters to match your input and identifies incorrect syntax.

  4. Enter information in the Telemetry Type field. As you type, the field filters for available telemetry types to match your input.

    Choose the telemetry type you need from the list of matches.

  5. When you enter a telemetry type, all counters are enabled by default.

    To customize the counters, enable the Enable notifications and notification counters check box.

    Click Removepng4.png to remove a counter.

    Click png3.pngCOUNTERS to add a counter that was removed.

  6. Click CREATE.

    The subscription begins collection when it is enabled.

To edit a subscription:

  1. Choose a subscription and click png2.png(Table row actions), Edit.

  2. In the form that opens, update the parameters as needed and click UPDATE.

To delete a subscription:

Choose a subscription and click png2.png(Table row actions), Delete.

The subscription is removed immediately.

Note: Removing a subscription does not remove data from the database. The data collected by the subscription is retained according to the database retention policy.

End of steps