How do I view OAM test results?


Use this procedure to view results of tests. Test results are available in the NSP UI regardless of where the tests were originally configured, as long as the results are saved to the NSP database:

  • For tests configured using the NFM-P UI, you must enable the Publish to Kafka Topic parameter when configuring the test in the STM.

    The STM publishes results to the NFM-P Kafka topic, from which the MD-OAM app obtains the results and saves them to the database.

  • For tests configured using the NFM-P REST APIs, you must ensure that publishTopic=true in Sas.Test. Results are published to the NFM-P Kafka topic, from which the MD-OAM app obtains the results and saves them to the database.

  • For tests configured on the NE using CLI:

    • For OAM-PM tests ( DMM/SLM/LLM/Twamp-Light), configured on the NE CLI, you must open the test in the NFM-P UI and enable the Publish to Kafka Topic parameter.

    • SAA based tests, such as Ethernet CFM, configured using CLI are not discovered by the NFM-P and not available to view in NSP.

    See the NE documentation for details about creating the tests.

Twamp-light delay results can also be provided in an accounting file, in the classes telemetry:/base/oampm-accounting/twl-session-acc-stats and telemetry:/base/oampm-accounting/twl-bin-acc-stats. Twamp-light loss results are available in an accounting file in the class telemetry:/base/oampm-accounting/twl-session-loss-acc-stats


Open Data Collection and Analysis Management, Tests.

In the Filter column at the left of the view, configure a filter and click RETRIEVE. The list of tests is populated, filtered according to your input.

Note: You can sort the list by clicking on a column header; however, the sorting function is not available for all columns.

To view test information, choose a test and click Test Details png5.png.

The Test Details panel shows the test attributes, and the Tested Entities panel shows the list of entities. Information provided depends on the test type.

To view results of a test, select the test and click png2.png(Table row actions), View Results.

The Test executions page opens, showing the executions and their results.

Note: After a test has executed, there is a brief processing delay before results are available. For tests that have just finished running, Nokia recommends that you wait a minimum of 5 s before viewing results.

Select a different time range for the test executions, if required. Choose a range from the drop down list, or configure a customized time range.

If required, choose a telemetry type from the drop-down list.

To see additional information columns on the Test executions page, click png2.png(Table row actions), Manage Columns. Select or de-select columns to suit your information needs.

Note: The sorting function is not available for columns on the Test executions page. By default, executions are sorted by Time Captured.

For more detailed information about a specific test, choose an execution and click Test result details png12.png.

Information provided depends on the test type.

Note: Test result details are not available for child results, such as linktrace hops.

End of steps