How do I configure the network map?

Note: IP/Optical coordination's NE clustering functionality is currently disabled.


Open IP/Optical Coordination, Network Map.

In Map Layout Regions, choose a layer from the Layers drop-down menu. If the Physical layer was selected, choose a domain from the Domains drop-down menu. Your selections are visualized on the map.

Note: If Link Layer is chosen from the Layers drop-down menu, the network map will display a representation of router-to-router link connectivity going over either directly connected fibres or over Link Layer Interconnects (i.e. over L0/L1 Optical networks).

As required, perform the following to isolate objects on the network map:

  1. Click Search png5.png and choose one of the followings from the drop-down menu to select from a list of the specified objects: Links, Nodes, Regions, and Zones.

    Alternatively, enter the name of the desired object to search by name.

  2. Start typing in the field to display the filtered list.

  3. Click png5.png or double-click the row to search.

As required, click on any of the following map control buttons/sliders to customize your view:

  • Fit To Screen png6.png - Automatically lay out the network map to fit within the confines of your screen

  • Adjust Clusters png7.png - Opens the Clustering Controls panel

    • Cluster charts - Specifies whether or not cluster charts are enabled

    • Show boundaries - Draws a boundary around the coordinates of the nodes/zones enclosed in a zone/region. You can select either with immediate parent or with top region.

    • Move region with content - Moves all the objects inside regions to the new coordinates when regions are moved

  • Adjust Vertexes png8.png- Opens the Vertex Controls panel

    • Vertex labels - Toggles vertex labels on or off

    • Vertex size - Increases or decreases the size of on-screen vertexes

  • Adjust Links png9.png - Opens the Link Controls panel

    • Show Links - Toggles the appearance of links on the map on or off

    • Link curvature - Increases or decreases the curvature of links on the map

    • Link grouping threshold - Specifies the number of links that can exist between the same two vertexes before grouping is implemented

  • View control png10.png - Opens the Map Controls panel

    • Background layer opacity - Increases or decreases the opacity of the background layer

  • Zoom in png11.png - Zooms in on the map as centered

  • Zoom out png12.png - Zooms out from the map as centered

Note: For vertexes to be organized into regions, these regions (and any zones contained therein) must first be configured. Any subsequent changes made to the regions using IP/Optical Coordination will be saved. See the NSP System Administrator Guide for more information about configuring regions and groups.

Select an object on the map to view more information about the selected object. If a cross-domain link was selected, click More png13.png and choose Navigate To. Choose one of the following from the menu:

  • IGP Link

  • IP Service

  • Link Layer Interconnect

  • LSP

  • Optical Service

Note: Navigation to IP Services is only supported for services that are marked as “NSD managed” within NFM-P and are riding over the following types of LSPs:

  • With pcep-report enabled, RSVP or Segment-Routed

  • With pcep-report disabled, only strict-hop RSVP LSPs for primary-path

Note: After navigating to LSPs, you can click View in Path Control to highlight the path.

Click Legend png14.png to learn more about the icons and colors used on the map.

Click View Options png15.png and perform any of the following:

  1. Use the View Paths drop-down menu to select your preferred method of highlighting:

    • Normal - highlighted paths are superimposed over map objects, including regions that contain affected nodes

    • Only Show Paths - all map objects not part of the highlighted path, including regions, are hidden from view

    • Pop Out Paths - highlighted paths are superimposed over map objects, affected nodes appear distinct from their regions

  2. If Link Layer Interconnects are present, click on the ADD LINK LAYER INTERCONNECT(S) button. A form opens:

    • Enable the Identify individual links radio button to search for individual LLI links by name, or enable the Identify all links in a group radio button to search for groups of LLI links by name.

    • Select up to five LLI links, then click DONE. The LLI links are highlighted on the map.

  3. If optical services are present, click ADD OPTICAL SERVICE(S). A form opens:

    • Select up to five optical services, then click DONE. The optical services are highlighted on the map.

Click Sync with Network png16.png to reload the page.

Note: The UI, including the map, is automatically updated.

End of steps