To verify the GPG keys


The following steps describe how to download and verify the NSP GPG public key and third-party keys in order to verify the GPG signatures of downloaded NSP RPM installation files.


Download the following file from the Nokia Support Portal to a temporary directory on a RHEL station:

Log in as the root user on the RHEL station.

Open a console window.

Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded file.

Enter the following:

unzip ↵

The GPG key files are extracted to the current directory.

Enter the following to display the NSP key fingerprint:

gpg --show-keys --with-fingerprint --keyid-format=short nsp-rpm-signing-public-key.key ↵

Output like the following is displayed:

pub   rsa4096/C7C20997 date [SCEA]

      Key fingerprint = 7809 77B0 BA34 052A 1E18  56CE B78C C956 C7C2 0997

uid                    Nokia Corporation (NOKIA-RPM-GPG-KEY) <>

Review and verify the fingerprint.

If you are not performing this procedure on an NFM-P main server, go to Step 13.

Enter the following to display the td-agent key fingerprint:

gpg --show-keys --with-fingerprint --keyid-format=short GPG-KEY-td-agent ↵

Output like the following is displayed:

pub   rsa4096/AB97ACBE date [SC]

      Key fingerprint = BEE6 8228 9B22 17F4 5AF4  CC3F 901F 9177 AB97 ACBE

uid                    Treasure Data, Inc (Treasure Agent Official Signing key) <>

sub   rsa4096/A71065E9 date [E]


Review and verify the fingerprint.


Enter the following to display the rockyofficial key fingerprint:

gpg --show-keys --with-fingerprint --keyid-format=short RPM-GPG-KEY-rockyofficial ↵

Output like the following is displayed:

pub   rsa4096/6D745A60 date [SCE]

      Key fingerprint = 7051 C470 A929 F454 CEBE  37B7 15AF 5DAC 6D74 5A60

uid                    Release Engineering <> 


Review and verify the fingerprint.


If the fingerprint value matches the value shown in the command output, the key is valid; otherwise, contact Nokia technical support.


Close the console window.

End of steps