To add WS-SE or WS-HA to an integrated WS-NOC and NSP deployment


WaveSuite Release 24.6 and later support the inclusion of the WS-SE or WS-HA to a WS-NOC that is currently integrated with an NSP system.

The following steps describe adding the WS-SE, WS-HA, or both, to such an integrated deployment using a template-driven method.

Note: install_dir in a command is the WS-NOC base installation directory.

Generate template file

Create the template file.

  1. Log in as the root user on the WS-NOC MnCMain VM.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    install_dir/setup/ -configJsonToTemplate FileName=/DEPOT/wavesuite_installation_config.cfg ConfigJson=/install_dir/config/bench/configuration.json ↵

    The following template file is created:


Configure the template file.

Note: See the WaveSuite Installation/Migration Guide for template file configuration information.

  1. Open the /DEPOT/wavesuite_installation_config.cfg file using a plain-text editor such as vi.

  2. Verify that the following sections are correctly imported:




  3. Edit the file to enable the WS-SE and WS-HA components, as required.

  4. Save and close the file.

Enter the following to update the central configuration: -updateConfig depot=/DEPOT/ FileName=wavesuite_installation_config.cfg ↵

Deploy WS-SE / WS-HA

Enter the following:

/install_dir/setup/ depot=/DEPOT FileName=/DEPOT/wavesuite_installation_config.cfg ↵

The configured WS-SE and WS-HA components are deployed.

If you are not installing the WS-SE, go to Step 16.

Create required user in NSP for WS-SE access

Sign in to the NSP as the admin user.

Open NSP Users and Security.

Create the following NSP user account:


Record the password that you assign to the wsseusr user.

Update password vault

Perform Step 11 to Step 15 on each site in the WS-NOC deployment.


Add the new wsseusr password.

  1. Log in as the root user on the WS-NOC MnCMain VM.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    cp /mcp/app/common/func.lib /mcp/app/common/ ↵

  4. Enter the following:

    sed -i -e 's/echo "nfmt_password.*/echo "nfmt_password: password">>$wsseNewPassFile/g' /mcp/app/common/func ↵

    where password is the wsseusr password recorded in Step 9

  5. Enter the following:

    /mcp/setup/ -upgrade skipinspect=Permissive depot=/DEPOT wsseip=WSSE_IP -ha ↵

    where WSSE_IP is the WS-SE VM IP address


Update the WS-NOC nspOS configuration.

  1. Open the following file with a plain-text editor such as vi:


  2. Locate the line that begins with the following:

    "exclusion_urls" :

  3. Edit the line to read as shown below by inserting the following before the closing bracket:

    , “configurationParameters”

    The line now reads as follows:

    "exclusion_urls" : [ "/internal/sso-shared-common/v1/systemSetting", "/navigate-to-login", "/GroupManager/api/group/supervision/internal/migration/migrationFromNfmp", "/nfmp-app/noClientFound", "/favicon.ico", "/error_page.vm", "/.well-known/host-meta", "configurationParameters"]

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Enter the following to restart the nspos-oauth2-proxy container:

    ws restart containerName=nspos-oauth2-proxy ↵


Enter the following to close the console window.

exit ↵


Update the password in the etcd database.

  1. Log in as the root user on the WS-SE VM.

  2. Enter the following:

    docker exec wsse-etcd bash -c 'source /wscp/lib/vault_wscp.rc && EtcdSetValue /wavesuite/wsse/security/nfmtPassword password' ↵

    where password is the wsseusr password recorded in Step 9

  3. Enter the following:

    systemctl restart wsse ↵

    The WS-SE restarts, and the new password is put into effect.


Verify that the password is correctly set on the WS-SE.

  1. Log in as the root user on the WS-SE VM.

  2. Enter the following:

    /mcp/app/common/.getVaultPassword ↵

    The WS-SE vault password is displayed.

  3. Record the password for use in a subsequent step.

  4. Enter the following:

    /opt/wavesuite/cp/R.r.0/bin/ -v ↵

    The script prompts you to enter the WS-SE vault password.

  5. Enter the vault password obtained in Step 15 substep 3.

    A password is displayed.

  6. Verify that the password matches the nfmt_password value in Step 9.


Close the open console windows.

End of steps