To install a standalone NFM-P system


The following steps describe how to install a collocated or distributed main database and main server in a standalone configuration. The steps also include information about installing optional NFM-P components.

Ensure that you record the information that you specify, for example, directory names, passwords, and IP addresses.

Note: You require root user privileges on the main database and main server stations.

Note: Performing the procedure creates the following user accounts:

Note: The following RHEL CLI prompts in command lines denote the active user, and are not to be included in typed commands:

Check and configure firewalls

Before you attempt to deploy an NFM-P system, you must ensure that each firewall between NFM-P components allows the required traffic to pass between the components, or is disabled. You can configure and enable the firewall after the installation, if required.

Note: The RHEL firewalld service is typically enabled by default in a new RHEL OS installation.

Perform one of the following.

  1. Configure each firewall to allow the required traffic to pass. See the NSP Planning Guide for a list of the ports that must be open on each component.

    Note: The RHEL firewalld service must be configured using the firewalld rules in the NSP Planning Guide, which describes using NFM-P templates for rule creation.

  2. Disable each firewall; see the external firewall documentation, or perform To disable the RHEL firewalld service.

Download installation files

Download the following installation files to an empty directory on the main server station:

  • nsp-nfmp-jre-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nsp-nfmp-config-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nsp-nfmp-nspos-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nsp-nfmp-main-server-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nsp-nfmp-nodeexporter-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm


R.r.p is the NSP release identifier, in the form MAJOR.minor.patch

v is a version identifier

Note: In subsequent steps, the directory is called the NFM-P software directory.

Perform one of the following.

  1. For a collocated NFM-P deployment, download the following files to the NFM-P software directory on the station that hosts the main server and database:

    • nsp-nfmp-oracle-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

    • nsp-nfmp-main-db-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  2. For a distributed NFM-P deployment, download the following files to an empty directory on the main database station:

    • nsp-nfmp-jre-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

    • nsp-nfmp-config-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

    • nsp-nfmp-oracle-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

    • nsp-nfmp-main-db-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

    • nsp-nfmp-nodeexporter-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

    Note: In subsequent steps, the directory is called the NFM-P software directory.

Transfer the following downloaded file to an empty directory on the main database station:


Install standalone database

Log in as the root user on the main database station.

Open a console window.

Navigate to the directory that contains the file.

Enter the following:

chmod +x ↵

Enter the following:

./ ↵

Note: A default value is displayed in brackets []. To accept the default, press ↵.

Note: If you specify a value other than the default, you must record the value for use when the script is run during a software upgrade, or when the Oracle management user information is required by technical support.

The following prompt is displayed:

This script will prepare the system for a new install/restore of an NFM-P Version Release main database.

Do you want to continue? [Yes/No]:


Enter Yes. The following prompt is displayed:

Enter the Oracle dba group name [group]:


Enter a group name.

Note: To reduce the complexity of subsequent software upgrades and technical support activities, it is recommended that you accept the default.

The following messages and prompt are displayed:

Creating group group if it does not exist...


Enter the Oracle user name:


Enter a username.

Note: To reduce the complexity of subsequent software upgrades and technical support activities, it is recommended that you accept the default.

The following messages and prompt are displayed:

Oracle user [username] new home directory will be [/opt/nsp/nfmp/oracle19].

Checking or Creating the Oracle user home directory /opt/nsp/nfmp/oracle19...

Checking user username...

Adding username...

Changing ownership of the directory /opt/nsp/nfmp/oracle19 to username:group.

About to unlock the UNIX user [username]

Unlocking password for user username.

passwd: Success

Unlocking the UNIX user [username] completed

Please assign a password to the UNIX user username ..

New Password:


Enter a password. The following prompt is displayed:

Re-enter new Password:


Re-enter the password. The following is displayed if the password change is successful:

passwd: password successfully changed for username

The following message and prompt are displayed:

Specify whether an NFM-P Main Server will be installed on this workstation.

The database memory requirements will be adjusted to account for the additional load.

Will the database co-exist with an NFM-P Main Server on this workstation [Yes/No]:


Enter Yes or No, as required.

Messages like the following are displayed as the script execution completes:

INFO: About to set kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf...

INFO: Completed setting kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf...

INFO: About to change the current values of the kernel parameters

INFO: Completed changing the current values of the kernel parameters

INFO: About to set ulimit parameters in /etc/security/limits.conf...

INFO: Completed setting ulimit parameters in /etc/security/limits.conf...

INFO: Completed running Oracle Pre-Install Tasks


When the script execution is complete, enter the following to reboot the main database station:

systemctl reboot ↵

The station reboots.


When the reboot is complete, log in as the root user on the main database station.


Open a console window.


Navigate to the NFM-P software directory.

Note: Ensure that the directory contains only the installation files.


Enter the following:

chmod +x * ↵


Enter the following:

dnf install *.rpm ↵

The dnf utility resolves any package dependencies, and displays the following prompt:

Total size: nn G

Installed size: nn G 

Is this ok [y/d/N]: 


Enter y. The following and the installation status are displayed as each package is installed:

Downloading Packages:

Running transaction check

Transaction check succeeded.

Running transaction test

Transaction test succeeded.

Running transaction

The package installation is complete when the following is displayed:



Enter the following:

samconfig -m db ↵

The following is displayed:

Start processing command line inputs...



Enter the following:

<db> show-detail ↵

The database configuration is displayed.


To configure one or more parameters, enter the following; otherwise, go to Step 31:

<db> configure ↵

The prompt changes to <db configure>.


As required, configure the general parameters in the following table.

Note: The instance parameter is configurable only during database creation.

Table 14-3: Standalone database parameters, general




Database IP address

Default: IP address of primary network interface


Database instance name, which must:

  • contain 8 or fewer characters

  • consist of ASCII characters only

  • have a letter as the first character

Default: maindb1


If required, configure one or more passwords parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Note: After you save the configuration, you cannot use samconfig to change a database password; you must use the method described in the NSP System Administrator Guide.

Table 14-4: Standalone database parameters —




Database user password

Default: available from technical support


Oracle SYS user password

Default: available from technical support

A password must:

  • be between 4 and 30 characters long

  • contain at least three of the following:

    • lower-case alphabetic character

    • upper-case alphabetic character

    • numeric character

    • special character, which is one of the following: # $ _

  • not contain four or more of the same character type in sequence

  • not be the same as the user name, or the reverse of the user name

  • not contain a space character


To enable IP validation, which restricts the server components that have access to the main database, configure the parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Note: For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that you enable IP validation.

Note: You must configure the remote-servers parameter if the deployment includes any of the following:

  • auxiliary servers

  • NSP Flow Collectors

  • NSP Analytics

Table 14-5: Standalone database parameters —




IP address of main server

Configuring the parameter enables IP validation.

Default: —


Comma-separated list of the following:

  • auxiliary server IP addresses

  • For NSP Flow Collectors, the following in the flowForwarder section of the NSP cluster configuration file, nsp-config.yml:

    • if configured, the advertisedV4 and advertisedV6 values

    • otherwise, the virtualIpV4 and virtualIpV6 values

  • For NSP Analytics:

    • If the NSP cluster uses separate client, mediation and internal interfaces, the private IP address of the internal interface on each NSP cluster node

    • If the NSP cluster uses one interface for all communication, the private IP address of each NSP cluster node

Default: —


To enable the forwarding of NFM-P system metrics to the NSP; configure the parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Note: The parameters are required only for a distributed main database, so are not shown or configurable if the main server and database are collocated.

Table 14-6: Standalone database parameters —




The TLS keystore password

Default: available from technical support


One of the following in the platformingressApplicationsingressController section of the nsp-config.yml file on the local NSP deployer host:

In the internalAddresses subsection, if configured, otherwise, in the clientAddresses subsection:

  • if configured, the advertised value

  • otherwise, the virtualIp value

You must configure the parameter.

Default: —


The TCP port on which the PKI server listens for and services requests

Default: 80


Verify the database configuration.

  1. Enter the following:

    <db configure> show-detail ↵

    The database configuration is displayed.

  2. Review each parameter to ensure that the value is correct.

  3. Configure one or more parameters, if required; see NFM-P samconfig utility for information about using the samconfig utility.

  4. When you are certain that the configuration is correct, enter the following:

    <db configure> back ↵

    The prompt changes to <db>.


Enter the following to begin the database creation:

<db> apply ↵

The database creation begins, and progress messages are displayed.

The following is displayed when the database creation is complete:


db configurations updated.


When the database creation is complete, enter the following:

<db> exit ↵

The samconfig utility closes.


It is recommended that as a security measure, you limit the number of database user login failures that the NFM-P allows before the database user account is locked; see the NFM-P database management procedures in the NSP System Administrator Guide for more information.

Install standalone main server

Log in as the root user on the main server station.


Open a console window.


Navigate to the NFM-P software directory.

Note: Ensure that the directory contains only the installation files.


Enter the following:

chmod +x * ↵


Enter the following:

dnf install *.rpm ↵

The dnf utility resolves any package dependencies, and displays the following prompt:

Total size: nn G

Installed size: nn G 

Is this ok [y/d/N]: 


Enter y. The following and the installation status are displayed as each package is installed:

Downloading Packages:

Running transaction check

Transaction check succeeded.

Running transaction test

Transaction test succeeded.

Running transaction

The package installation is complete when the following is displayed:



The initial NFM-P server installation on a station creates the nsp user account and assigns a randomly generated password.

If this is the first installation of an NFM-P main or auxiliary server on the station, change the nsp password.

  1. Enter the following:

    passwd nsp ↵

    The following prompt is displayed:

    New Password:

  2. Enter a password.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Confirm Password:

  3. Re-enter the password.

  4. Record the password and store it in a secure location.


If you are using the manual TLS deployment method, generate and distribute the required TLS files for the system, as described in To generate custom NSP TLS artifacts.


Enter the following:

samconfig -m main ↵

The following is displayed:

Start processing command line inputs...



Enter the following:

<main> configure ↵

The prompt changes to <main configure>.


Enter the following:

<main configure> show-detail ↵

The main server configuration is displayed.


As required, configure the general parameters in the following table.

Table 14-7: Standalone main server parameters, general




The main server IP address

Default: IP address of primary network interface


The NFM-P system identifier

Default: NFM-P


The NSP admin user password

It is strongly recommended that you change the password from the default; if you choose not to configure the parameter, the default password remains in effect

The parameter is configurable only during a main server installation.

A password must:

  • be a minimum of 8 characters

  • contain at least three of the following:

    • lower-case alphabetic character

    • upper-case alphabetic character

    • numeric character

    • special character, which is one of the following: ( ) ? ~ ! @ # $ & * _ +

  • not contain more than three consecutive instances of the same character


Absolute path of NFM-P license zip file

You cannot start a main server unless the main server configuration includes a current and valid license. You can use samconfig to specify the license file, or import a license, as described in the NSP System Administrator Guide.

Default: —


Whether FIPS security is enabled for network management

See Enabling FIPS security for NFM-P network management for information about using FIPS security.

Default: false


As required, configure the client parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Table 14-8: Standalone main server parameters —




Whether NAT is used between the main server and the GUI and XML API clients

Default: false


The hostname of the main server, if NFM-P components are to use a hostname, rather than an IP address, to communicate with the main server

You must configure the parameter if one of the following is true:

  • The main server is to use multiple interfaces for GUI and XML API client communication.

  • NFM-P clients are to connect to the main server using IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces.

  • NAT is used.

  • The NFM-P clients and the auxiliary or peer main servers, and NSP cluster VMs use different main server interfaces.

If the TLS certificate contains the FQDN, you must specify the FQDN as the parameter value.

Default: main server hostname


The IP address that the GUI and XML API clients must use to reach the main server

The parameter is configurable when the hostname parameter is unconfigured.

Default: —


The TCP port on the main server station to use for EJB JNDI messaging to GUI clients

It is recommended that you accept the default unless another application uses the port, or there is a firewall between the GUI clients and the main server.

Default: 1099


A list of the client delegate servers in the NFM-P system

Use the following list format; a path value is the absolute file path of the client installation location on the client delegate server station:


Note: The installation location cannot include a space character.

Note: Before you can install a client delegate server, the main server configuration must include the client delegate server address and file path.

Default: —


As required, configure the database parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Note: The NFM-P uses the database backup settings to initialize the database during installation only. To change the backup settings after installation, you must use the Database Manager form in the NFM-P client GUI, as described in the NSP System Administrator Guide.

Table 14-9: Standalone main server parameters —




The IP address that the main server must use to reach the database; mandatory

Default: —


Database instance name

Default: maindb1


Database user password

Default: available from technical support


The backup directory on the main database station

It is recommended that you specify a directory that can hold at least five times the expected database size, and can accommodate the database growth associated with network growth.

Default: /opt/nsp/nfmp/dbbackup


How frequently, in hours, to back up the main database

Default: 24


The number of main database backup sets to retain

Default: 3


If the NFM-P system is to include auxiliary servers, configure the aux parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Note: At least one auxiliary server that you specify must be a Preferred auxiliary server.

Table 14-10: Standalone main server parameters —




If enabled, specifies that one or more auxiliary servers are to be used for statistics collection

Default: false


The main server IP address that the auxiliary servers must use to reach the main server

Default: —


Comma-separated list of Preferred auxiliary server IP addresses

Default: —


Comma-separated list of Reserved auxiliary server IP addresses

Default: —


Comma-separated list of Remote Standby auxiliary server IP addresses

Default: —


As required, configure the mediation parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Note: Some device types do not support an SNMP port value other than 162. Before you configure the snmp-port parameter to a value other than the default, you must ensure that each device type in the managed network supports the port value.

Table 14-11: Standalone main server parameters —




Whether NAT is used between the main server and the managed NEs

Default: false


The IPv4 address that the managed NEs must use to reach the main server

Default: IPv4 address of primary network interface


The IPv6 address that the managed NEs must use to reach the main server

Default: IPv6 address of primary network interface


The TCP port on the main server station that the managed NEs must use to reach the main server

Default: 162


The SNMP trap log ID associated with the main server

Default: 98


Configure the tls parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Table 14-12: Standalone main server parameters —




The absolute path of the TLS keystore file

To enable automated TLS deployment, enter no keystore-file.

Default: /opt/nsp/os/tls/nsp.keystore


The TLS keystore password

Default: available from technical support


The absolute path of the TLS truststore file

To enable automated TLS deployment, enter no truststore-file.

Default: /opt/nsp/os/tls/nsp.truststore


The TLS truststore password

Default: available from technical support


The alias specified during keystore generation

You must configure the parameter.

Default: —


One of the following in the platformingressApplicationsingressController section of the nsp-config.yml file on the local NSP deployer host:

In the internalAddresses subsection, if configured, otherwise, in the clientAddresses subsection:

  • if configured, the advertised value

  • otherwise, the virtualIp value

Default: —


The TCP port on which the PKI server listens for and services requests

Default: 80


Whether to regenerate the internal TLS certificates

Certificate regeneration is required when the current certificates are about to expire, or a new internal root certificate is available.

Default: false


Whether HSTS browser security is enabled

Default: false


As required, configure the oss parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Note: The parameters are configurable only if no auxiliary servers are specified in Step 48. Otherwise, OSS access is restricted to the auxiliary servers, which require the configuration of OSS access parameters during installation.

Table 14-13: Standalone main server parameters —




Whether communication between the main servers and the XML API clients is secured using TLS

Default: false


The IP address that the XML API clients must use to reach the main server

Default: IP address of primary network interface


The directory that is to contain the output of XML APIfile export operations

Default: /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/xml_output


If the NSP deployment includes an auxiliary database, configure the auxdb parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Table 14-14: Standalone main server parameters —




Whether the NSP deployment includes an auxiliary database


Whether TLS is enabled on the auxiliary database

Default: true


A list of the external auxiliary database station IP addresses in the following format:

Note: For a geo-redundant auxiliary database, the order of the IP addresses must be the same on each main server in the geo-redundant system.



cluster_1_IP1, cluster_1_IP2,cluster_1_IPn are the external IP addresses of the auxiliary database stations in one data center

cluster_2_IP1, cluster_2_IP2,cluster_2_IPn are the external IP addresses of the stations in the other data center; required only for geo-redundant auxiliary database

Default: —


Whether the auxiliary database is to store OAM test results

Default: false


Boolean value that specifies whether the auxiliary database is to replicate data among multiple stations

If the auxiliary database is deployed on a single station, you must set the parameter to 0.

Caution: After you configure an auxdb parameter and start an main server, you cannot modify the redundancy-level parameter.

Default: 1


As required, configure the aa-stats parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Table 14-15: Standalone main server parameters —




Whether the NFM-P is to collect AA accounting statistics

Default: false


AA accounting statistics file formats; the options are the following:

  • ipdr—IPDR format

  • ram—format for NSP Analytics reporting

  • ipdr,ram—both formats

The parameter is configurable when the enabled parameter is set to true.

Default: ram

aux-db storage

Whether the NFM-P is to store the statistics in an auxiliary database

The parameter is configurable when the enabled parameter is set to true.

Default: false


Configure the nspos parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Table 14-16: Standalone main server parameters —




The NSP cluster IP addresses, separated by a semicolon

Each address is one of the following in the platformingressApplicationsingressController section of the nsp-config.yml file on the NSP deployer host:

In the internalAddresses subsection, if configured, otherwise, in the clientAddresses subsection:

  • if configured, the advertised value

  • otherwise, the virtualIp value

Default: —


The main server IP address that is reachable by the NSP clusters

Default: —


The DR data center name for aligning NSP components with the local NFM-P main server; must match the dcName value in the NSP cluster configuration file

The parameter is required only in a DR deployment, but Nokia strongly recommends that you configure the parameter, regardless of the deployment type.

Default: —


Specifies whether mTLS is enabled for Kafka communication with the NSP

The parameter is displayed only after the configuration is initially applied in a subsequent step.

Note: The function is supported only in an NSP system that uses separate interfaces for internal and client communication.

Default: false


Configure the remote-syslog parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Table 14-17: Standalone main server parameters —




Enable the forwarding of the NFM-P User Activity logs in syslog format to a remote server

Default: disabled


Remote syslog server hostname or IP address

Default: —


Remote server TCP port

Default: —


Absolute local path of public CA TLS certificate file copied from remote server

The file requires nsp:nsp ownership.


Configure the server-logs-to-remote-syslog parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Table 14-18: Standalone main server parameters —




Enable the forwarding of the NFM-P server logs in syslog format to a remote server

Default: disabled


Whether the communication with the remote server is TLS-secured

Default: disabled


Remote syslog server hostname or IP address

Default: —


Remote server TCP port

Default: —


Absolute local path of public CA TLS certificate file copied from remote server

The file requires nsp:nsp ownership.


If the NFM-P deployment includes the 1830 SMS netHSM, configure the hsm parameters in the following table; otherwise, go to Step 59.

Table 14-19: Standalone main server parameters —




Whether HSM is enabled

Default: false


The location of the 1830 SMS netHSM TLS client certificate for NFM-P access

Specify a client certificate location in the following format:



address is the 1830 SMS netHSM IP address or hostname

file_path is the absolute path and file name of the certificate file on the 1830 SMS netHSM

Default: —


Operation mode; 0 specifies one HSM instance with load balancing disabled, and 2 specifies load balancing among multiple instances

Default: 0


The auto-generated TLS key file that the NFM-P provides to the 1830 SMS netHSM for two-way web-client authentication

Default: client.key


The auto-generated TLS certificate file that the NFM-P provides to the 1830 SMS netHSM for two-way web-client authentication

Default: client.cert


By default, the NFM-P generates TLS authentication files for web-client access to the NFM-P HSM server.

If you want to provide your own TLS authentication files, configure the twoway HSM parameters in the following table, and then enter back ↵.

Table 14-20: Standalone main server parameters —
hsm, twoway




The absolute path and name of the TLS keystore file for web-client access to the NFM-P HSM server

Default: —


The keystore password

Default: —


The keystore alias

Default: NSP


The absolute path and name of the TLS truststore file for web-client access to the NFM-P HSM server

Default: —


The truststore password

Default: —


The truststore alias

Default: NSP


Enter back ↵.

The prompt changes to <main configure>.


Verify the main server configuration.

  1. Enter the following:

    <main configure> show-detail ↵

    The main server configuration is displayed.

  2. Review each parameter to ensure that the value is correct.

  3. Configure one or more parameters, if required.

  4. When you are certain that the configuration is correct, enter the following:

    <main configure> back ↵

    The prompt changes to <main>.


Enter the following:

<main> apply ↵

The configuration is applied.


Enter the following:

<main> exit ↵

The samconfig utility closes.


To enable mTLS for internal Kafka authentication using two-way TLS, perform the following steps.

Note: Enabling mTLS for internal Kafka authentication is supported only in an NSP deployment that uses separate interfaces for internal and client communication.

  1. Enter the following:

    samconfig -m main ↵

    The following is displayed:

    Start processing command line inputs...


  2. Enter the following:

    configure nspos mtls-kafka-enabled back ↵

  3. Enter the following:

    <main> apply ↵

    The configuration is applied.

  4. Enter the following:

    <main> exit ↵

    The samconfig utility closes.

Enable Windows Active Directory access

If you intend to use Windows Active Directory, or AD, for single sign-on client access, you must configure LDAP remote authentication for AD; otherwise, go to Step 73.

Open the following file as a reference for use in subsequent steps:


Note: Consider the following.

  • The NFM-P does not assign a default user group to users of a remote authentication source that you define for Windows AD; the authentication source must provide the user group attributes.

  • Windows AD supports the following LDAP server types for remote authentication:

    AD—The user group of an AD user is derived from the group_base_dn attribute in the server configuration; group search filters are not supported.

    AUTHENTICATED—The server configuration must include bind credentials; group search filters are supported. After NFM-P initialization, you add the AD server bind credentials to the NSP password vault using the NSP Session Manager RESTCONF API.


Locate the section that begins with the following lines:

#   ldap:

#     enabled: true

#     servers:


#         url: ldaps://

#         security: SSL/STARTTLS/NONE


Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:



Locate the section that begins with the following line:

"sso": {

The section has one subsection for each type of SSO access.

Note: You can enable multiple remote authentication methods such as LDAP and RADIUS in the config.json file, or by using the NFM-P GUI. Using the GUI also allows you to specify the order in which the methods are tried during login attempts; however, no ordering is applied to multiple methods enabled in the config.json file.


In the sso section, create an ldap subsection as shown below using the parameter names from the ldap section of config.yml and the required values for your configuration.

The following example shows the LDAP configuration for two AD servers:

    "ldap": {
      "enabled": true,
      "servers": [
          "type": "auth_type",
          "url": "ldaps://server1:port",
          "server1_parameter_1": "value",
          "server1_parameter_2": "value",
          "server1_parameter_n": "value",
          "type": "auth_type",
          "url": "ldaps://server2:port",
          "server2_parameter_1": "value",
          "server2_parameter_2": "value",
          "server2_parameter_n": "value",

where auth_type is AD or AUTHENTICATED


Save and close the files.


Enter the following:

samconfig -m main ↵

The following is displayed:

Start processing command line inputs...



Enter the following:

<main> apply ↵

The AD LDAP configuration is applied.


Enter the following:

<main> exit ↵

The samconfig utility closes.

Start standalone main server

Start the main server.

Note: If you did not specify a license file during the installation, you cannot start the main server until you import a license; see the NSP System Administrator Guide for information about importing a license.

  1. Log in as the nsp user on the main server station.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    bash$ cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin ↵

  4. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./nmsserver.bash start ↵

  5. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./nmsserver.bash appserver_status ↵

    The server status is displayed; the server is fully initialized if the status is the following:

    Application Server process is running.  See nms_status for more detail.

    If the server is not fully initialized, wait five minutes and then repeat this step. Do not perform the next step until the server is fully initialized.


If you have enabled Windows Active Directory access using the AUTHENTICATED type of LDAP server, you must add the LDAP server bind credentials to the NSP security configuration.

Use the NSP Session Manager RESTCONF API to add the bind credentials; see the Network Developer Portal for information.


Specify the memory requirement for GUI clients based on the type of network that the NFM-P is to manage.

  1. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./nmsdeploytool.bash clientmem -option

    where option is one of the following:

    • m—medium, for management of limited-scale network

    • l—large, for a network of 15 000 or more NEs

  2. Record the setting, which is not preserved through an upgrade, for future use.

  3. Enter the following to commit the configuration change:

    bash$ ./nmsdeploytool.bash deploy ↵


Close the console window.

Install optional components

Install and enable one or more auxiliary servers, if required; see Auxiliary server installation.


Install and enable an auxiliary database, if required; see NSP auxiliary database installation.

Install GUI clients

Install NFM-P single-user GUI clients or client delegate servers, as required; see the following for information:

See the NSP NFM-P User Guide for information about using the NFM-P GUI.

Configure and enable firewalls

If you intend to use any firewalls between the NFM-P components, and the firewalls are disabled, configure and enable each required firewall.

Perform one of the following.

  1. Configure each external firewall to allow the required traffic using the port assignments in the NSP Planning Guide, and enable the firewall.

  2. Configure and enable firewalld on each component station, as required.

    1. Use an NFM-P template to create the firewalld rules for the component, as described in the NSP Planning Guide.

    2. Log in to the station as the root user.

    3. Open a console window.

    4. Enter the following:

      systemctl enable firewalld ↵

    5. Enter the following:

      systemctl start firewalld ↵

    6. Close the console window.

End of steps