To install the NSP auxiliary database software


The following steps describe how to install and initialize the NSP auxiliary database software.

Note: You must perform the procedure in each auxiliary database cluster of a geo-redundant NSP deployment.

Note: You require root user privileges on each auxiliary database station.

Note: A leading # character in a command line represents the root user prompt, and is not to be included in a typed command.


Log in to any auxiliary database station as the root user.

Note: The software is installed on one station, and then automatically propagated to the other stations in the cluster.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

cp /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/config/install.config.default /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/config/install.config ↵

If you are performing the installation as a non-root user and intend to allow non-root users other than the NSP super user to edit the file, perform one of the following.

  1. Set the user and group ownership of the file to samauxdb:nsp.

  2. Set the group ownership to nsp, and grant read/write access to the nsp group.

Open the /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/config/install.config file using a plain-text editor such as vi.



Service disruption

Changing a parameter in the auxiliary database install.config file can have serious consequences that include service disruption.

Do not change any parameter in the install.config file, other than the parameters described in the step, without guidance from technical support.

Edit the following lines in the file to read:




internal_IP1, internal_IP2...internal_IPn are the IP addresses that the auxiliary database stations use to communicate with each other

export_IP1, export_IP2...export_IPn are the IP addresses that the stations use for communication with other components in the deployment

The following is an export_hosts configuration example; see Table 14-1, Auxiliary database station addressing for more information.


Table 14-1: Auxiliary database station addressing

Auxiliary database station address

install.config parameter entries




export_hosts 1

Private address on segregated network for intra-cluster auxiliary database communication


export_hosts values in brackets, such as [] in the example

Address on NSP internal network that is routable from other NSP components on the NSP internal network that require auxiliary database access

  1. If required, for a single-station auxiliary database you can specify the same address for internal and external communication. In such a scenario, you specify the same address for internal_IP and export_IP.

Edit the following lines in the file to read as shown below:




where address is one of the following in the platformingressApplicationsingressController section of the nsp-config.yml file on the local NSP deployer host:

In the internalAddresses subsection, if configured, otherwise, in the clientAddresses subsection:

  • if configured, the advertised value

  • otherwise, the virtualIp value

Save and close the install.config file.

Enter the following:

/opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/bin/ install ↵

The script sequentially prompts you to enter and re-enter new passwords for the following user accounts:

Note: The password that you specify for a user must be the same on each station in each auxiliary database cluster.

  • samauxdb

  • samuser

  • samanalytic

  • samanalytic_ano


At each prompt, enter or re-enter a password, as required.

The script then sequentially prompts for the root user password of each auxiliary database station.


At each prompt, enter the required password.

Messages like the following are displayed as the software is installed on each station and the database is created:

Populating auxiliary database user passwords in the vault

Installing auxiliary database on IP_address ....

Cleaning auxiliary database host(s) in ssh known_hosts for root and samauxdb users.

Creating auxiliary database cluster

   Successfully created auxiliary database cluster

   Creating auxiliary database

Distributing changes to cluster.

        Creating database samdb

        Starting bootstrap node node_name (IP_address)

        Starting bootstrap node node_name (IP_address)




        Starting nodes:

                node_name (IP_address

                node_name (IP_address




        Starting Vertica on all nodes. Please wait, databases with a large catalog may take a while to initialize.

Installing OS_package package

        Success: package OS_package installed

Database creation SQL tasks completed successfully.

Database samdb created successfully.

  Successfully created auxiliary database

  Performing post install configuration tasks

Creating public interface for host node_name (IP_address

Creating public interface for host node_name (IP_address






Setting DB samdb restart policy to never and replicating to cluster...

Database samdb policy set to never

Installing user defined extension libraries and functions.

Unzipping Python libraries.

Setting sticky bit on all nodes.

  INFO: About to configure TLS ....

  Generating TLS certificates

  INFO: About to validate key and certificate

        Make sure the certificate has not expired and that the specified date range is current and valid.

            Not Before: date

            Not After : date

  INFO: Complete validating key and certificate

  INFO: Adding certificate to AuxDB

Distributing configuration to all nodes

   Post install configuration tasks completed successfully.

   Successfully installed auxiliary database.

  Output captured in /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/log/

The script installs the software on each station.


When the script execution is complete, if you are deploying a geo-redundant auxiliary database, perform the following steps on each station in the current auxiliary database cluster.

  1. Log in to the station as the root user.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    bash$ su - samauxdb ↵

  4. Enter the following for each station in the geo-redundant cluster:

    bash$ ssh-copy-id station_IP

    where station_IP is the IP address of a station in the geo-redundant cluster


Start the database proxy on each station in the current cluster.

  1. Log in to the station as the root user.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    systemctl start nspos-auxdbproxy.service ↵

    The auxiliary database proxy starts.


Close the open console windows.

End of steps