To upgrade a Release 22.6 or earlier NFM-P auxiliary server


The following steps describe how to upgrade the Release 22.6 or earlier NFM-P auxiliary server software on a station. Ensure that you record the information that you specify, for example, directory names, passwords, and IP addresses.

Note: An auxiliary server performs only SNMP statistics collection.

Note: You require the following user privileges on the auxiliary server station:

Note: The following RHEL CLI prompts in command lines denote the active user, and are not to be included in typed commands:

Commission new station, if required

If you are deploying the auxiliary server on a new station, commission the station according to the platform specifications in this guide and in the NSP Planning Guide.

Note: The hostname and IP address of a replacement station must match the hostname and IP address of the station being replaced.

For information about deploying the RHEL OS using an NSP OEM disk image, see NSP disk-image deployment.

Back up configuration

Log in as the root user on the existing auxiliary server station.

Download the following NFM-P installation file to an empty local directory on the existing auxiliary server station:


Open a console window.

Enter the following sequence of commands to disable the auxiliary server services:

systemctl disable nfmp-aux.service

systemctl disable nfmp-aux-config.service

Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded file.

Enter the following:

chmod +x ↵

Enter the following:

./ -t aux ↵

The following is displayed:

Backup auxiliary server config contents.

When the backup is complete, the following is displayed:

Please backup/transfer /opt/importConfigs/auxserverBackupConfigs.tar.gz to a secure location.

You must restore this file to the exact same directory location on the RHEL 8 station before installing the rpm(s).

The script creates the following file on the station:

  • /opt/importConfigs/auxserverBackupConfigs.tar.gz

Transfer the auxserverBackupConfigs.tar.gz file to a secure location on a separate station for use later in the procedure.

Note: If the system has multiple auxiliary servers, you must ensure that you record which server the file is from.

Decommission existing station

If the auxiliary server is running, stop the auxiliary server.

  1. Enter the following to switch to the nsp user:

    su - nsp ↵

  2. Enter the following:

    bash$ cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxserver/nms/bin ↵

  3. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./auxnmsserver.bash auxstop ↵

  4. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./auxnmsserver.bash auxappserver_status ↵

    The auxiliary server is stopped when the following message is displayed:

    Auxiliary Server is stopped 

    If the command output indicates that the server is not completely stopped, wait five minutes and then re-enter the command in this step to check the server status.

    Do not proceed to the next step until the server is completely stopped.

  5. Enter the following to switch back to the root user:

    exit ↵


Enter the following commands in sequence to remove the NFM-P packages:

yum remove nsp-nfmp-aux-server ↵

yum remove nsp-nfmp-config ↵

yum remove nsp-nfmp-jre ↵

After you enter a command, the yum utility resolves any dependencies and displays the following prompt:

Installed size: nn G 

Is this ok [y/N]: 


Enter y. The following is displayed:

Downloading Packages:

Running transaction check

Transaction check succeeded.

Running transaction test

Transaction test succeeded.

Running transaction

Uninstalling the NFM-P package...

As each package removal completes, the following is displayed:



Return to Step 11 as required to remove the next package in the sequence.

Recommission existing station, if required

If you are re-using the auxiliary server station, recommission the station according to the platform specifications in this guide and in the NSP Planning Guide.

For information about deploying the RHEL OS using an NSP OEM disk image, see NSP disk-image deployment.

Install auxiliary server software

Log in as the root user on the station that is commissioned as the auxiliary server station.


Enter the following:

mkdir /opt/importConfigs ↵


Transfer the auxserverBackupConfigs.tar.gz file created in Step 8 to the /opt/importConfigs directory.


Download the following NFM-P installation files to an empty local directory:

  • nsp-nfmp-jre-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nsp-nfmp-config-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nsp-nfmp-aux-server-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nsp-nfmp-nodeexporter-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm, if you want to forward NFM-P system metrics to the NSP


R.r.p is the NSP release identifier, in the form MAJOR.minor.patch

v is a version identifier


Navigate to the directory that contains the NFM-P installation files.

Note: Ensure that the directory contains only the installation files.


Enter the following:

chmod +x * ↵


Enter the following:

dnf install *.rpm ↵

The dnf utility resolves any package dependencies, and displays the following prompt:

Total size: nn G

Installed size: nn G 

Is this ok [y/d/N]: 


Enter y. The following and the installation status are displayed as each package is installed:

Downloading Packages:

Running transaction check

Transaction check succeeded.

Running transaction test

Transaction test succeeded.

Running transaction

The package installation is complete when the following is displayed:



Enter the following; see NFM-P samconfig utility for information about using samconfig:

samconfig -m aux ↵

The following is displayed:

Start processing command line inputs...



Enter the following:

<aux> configure tls ↵

The prompt changes to <aux configure tls>.


Perform one of the following; see Table 15-2, Auxiliary server parameters —

for parameter information.

  1. If you are using the PKI server to generate the internal and external certificates; enter the following commands:

    no keystore-file

    no keystore-pass

  2. If you are using custom external certificates and PKI-server generated internal certificates; enter the following commands:

    keystore-file keystore_file

    keystore-pass keystore_password

Table 15-2: Auxiliary server parameters —




The absolute path of the TLS keystore file

To enable automated TLS deployment, enter no keystore-file.

Default: —


The TLS keystore password

Default: available from technical support


One of the following in the platformingressApplicationsingressController section of the nsp-config.yml file on the local NSP deployer host:

In the internalAddresses subsection, if configured, otherwise, in the clientAddresses subsection:

  • if configured, the advertised value

  • otherwise, the virtualIp value

Default: —


The TCP port on which the PKI server listens for and services requests

Default: 80


Whether to regenerate the internal TLS certificates

Certificate regeneration is required when the current certificates are about to expire, or a new internal root certificate is available.

Default: false


Enter the following:

<aux configure tls> exit ↵.

The prompt changes to <aux>.


Verify the auxiliary server configuration.

  1. Enter the following:

    <aux> show-detail ↵

    The auxiliary server configuration is displayed.

  2. Review each parameter to ensure that the value is correct; see NFM-P samconfig utility for information about using the samconfig utility.

  3. If required, modify one or more parameter values, and then enter back ↵.

  4. When you are certain that the configuration is correct, enter the following:

    <aux> apply ↵

    The configuration is applied.

  5. Enter the following:

    <aux> exit ↵

    The samconfig utility closes.


Close the console window.

End of steps