To uninstall a collocated main server and database



Service Disruption

The procedure requires that you stop the NFM-P main server and database software, which is service-affecting.

Perform the procedure only during a scheduled maintenance period.

The following steps describe how to remove the NFM-P main server and database software from the station on which they are collocated.

Note: You require root user privileges on the station.

Note: A leading # character in a command line represents the root user prompt, and is not to be included in a typed command.

Collocated component uninstallation in a redundant deployment

Before you attempt to uninstall a collocated main server and database in a redundant NFM-P deployment, you must ensure that the collocated main server and database roles, whether primary or standby, are aligned.

To avoid a server activity switch in a redundant deployment, you must perform the procedure on the standby cluster first.

If you need to uninstall only the primary main server and database, for example, to address a hardware problem, the components in the primary cluster must first assume the standby role. A role change may involve one or more server activity switch or database switchover operations, depending on whether automatic database realignment is enabled.

See “Disaster recovery for NSP components” in the NSP System Administrator Guide for information about the following:

  • determining a component role

  • automatic database realignment

  • main server activity switches

  • database switchovers


Log in to the collocated main server and database station as the root or NSP admin user.

Open a console window.

Back up any custom configuration files in the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server file path that you want to keep.

Enter the following:

/opt/nsp/Uninstaller/ ↵

The following prompt is displayed:

WARNING: This will remove all the nsp software from the system. The nsp and oracle users will NOT be removed.

Do you want to continue? [Yes/No]:

Enter Yes ↵.

The following, and uninstallation task messages, are displayed as the uninstaller stops the components and the uninstallation begins.

Stopping NFM-P Main Server...

Stopping NFM-P Main Database Proxy...

Stopping NFM-P Main Database...

Welcome to the NSP uninstaller

Verifying prerequisites...

Starting uninstall ...

When the uninstallation is complete, a line similar to the following is displayed:

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************


n.n.n.n                  : ok=nn   changed=n    unreachable=n    failed

=n    skipped=n    rescued=n    ignored=n

If the failed= value is not zero, one or more package removal operations has failed. Contact technical support for assistance, and provide any error messages that the uninstallation displays; do not proceed to the next step until recommended by technical support.

Enter the following to reboot the station:

systemctl reboot ↵

The station reboots.

Remove the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server directory.

Remove the /opt/nsp/nfmp/oracle19 and database directories.

End of steps