To create the nsp user on a manually installed NSP cluster RHEL OS


Perform the procedure to create the Linux nsp user as the owner of files and processes on a station that are otherwise associated by default with user ID 1000.

The procedure applies only to a manually installed RHEL OS on the following:

  • NSP deployer host

  • NSP cluster node

You must perform the procedure on each such NSP station after a manual RHEL OS installation, and before any NSP software is installed on the station.

Note: You do not need to perform the procedure on a RHEL OS deployed using the NSP qcow2 OS image, as the OS image includes the setting.


Log in as the root user on the station.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

useradd --shell /sbin/nologin --no-create-home --uid 1000 --user-group nsp ↵

The nsp user account is created in the nsp user group.

Close the console window.

End of steps