To enable NSP and WS-NOC Release 24.6 or later compatibility


Perform this procedure to enable compatibility between a Release 24.6 or later WS-NOC system and an NSP deployment at a later release.

NSP release compatibility varies by system type; see the NSP compatibility matrix in the NSP Release Notice for the supported release combinations and any release-specific patches that the WS-NOC may require.

Note: The WS-NOC supports only IPv4, so can be integrated only with an NSP system that uses IPv4 in the client and internal networks.

Note: WS-NOC should be installed with SELinux in disabled state.

Note: You must perform the steps on each WS-NOC server in a redundant WS-NOC system.

Note: A leading # symbol in a command represents the root user prompt, and is not to be included in the command.


Log in as the root user to the mnc-fm container on the WS-NOC MnCMain VM.

Enter the following:

docker exec -it mnc-fm bash ↵

A command shell opens in the mnc-fm container.

Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:


Edit the following lines to read as shown below:






Save and close the file.

Enter the following:

mkdir -p /nfmt/config/tempcustom/nfmt/instance/nfmt-adapters/config ↵

Enter the following:

cp /nfmt/instance/nfmt-adapters/config/ /nfmt/config/tempcustom/nfmt/instance/nfmt-adapters/config/ ↵

Enter the following:

pkill -f NSP-Adapters ↵

The NSP-Adapters process restarts.

Enter the following to log out of the mnc-fm container:

exit ↵


If the NSP uses FQDNs to communicate, add each NSP FQDN to the WS-NOC configuration.

  1. Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:

    /install_dir/config/bench/fqdn.cfg file

  2. Edit the following lines to read as shown below:




    FQDN_a is the primary NSP cluster FQDN

    FQDN_b is the standby NSP cluster FQDN

    address_a is the IPv4 address of the primary NSP cluster

    address_b is the IPv4 address of the standby NSP cluster


Save and close the file.


Enter the following to close the command shell:

exit ↵

End of steps