How do I associate a workflow with a node, link, or LSP?

Associating workflows

This procedure is used to associate workflows with nodes, links, or LSPs in the NSP's path control views.

Note: Workflow definitions must include the “IP/MPLS Optimization” tag in order to be eligible for association with a node, link, or LSP in the NSP's path control views.

Workflows must contain the following inputs:

  • payload - includes maintenance mode, which is defined using NSP's path control function. NSP's path control function uses system configuration to set this field to either 'AUTOMATIC' or 'MANUAL'.

  • token_auth

  • rest_gateway_host - hard-coded in workflow definition. IP address of NSP REST server.

  • status - hard-coded in workflow definition. Valid options: 'MAINTENANCE', 'UP'. Applicable only to node workflows.

The following is an example of required workflow tags and inputs - in this case, for placing a node into maintenance mode:


type: direct


- IP/MPLS Optimization


- token_auth

- payload

- rest_gateway_host: ''

- status: 'MAINTENANCE'


Using NSP's workflows function, import or create a workflow to associate with a node, link, or LSP. See the NSP Network Automation Guide for more information.

Perform one of the following:

  1. From the Path Control, Network Map view, select a node or link from the map, then click More png4.png, Show workflows.

  2. From the Path Control, Routers view, click on the Show workflows button in-line with any node.

  3. From the Path Control, Links view, click on the Show workflows button in-line with any link.

  4. From the Path control, LSPs view, click on the Show workflows button in-line with any LSP.

A dialog box appears with a list of existing workflows. Select the workflow created in Step 1 and click RUN WORKFLOW.

End of steps

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