How do I create a path profile policy?


From either the Path Control, Policies view or the Path Simulation, Policies view, choose Path Profiles from the drop-down menu and click Create Policy png5.png. The Create Path Profile policy form opens.

Configure the required parameters:



Reserved Profile ID

Specifies whether the path profile policy will assume the name and role of the default path profile policy


Specifies the name of the path profile policy

Profile ID

Specifies the Profile ID of the paths to be included in path computation


Specifies the bidirectional mode to be used in path computation, if any


Specifies the Disjoint mode to be used in path computation, if any

Optimize on (Objective)

Specifies the primary goal when identifying paths for path computation

Bandwidth Strategy

Specifies the strategy to be used for bandwidth collection

Explicit Route Strategy

Specifies the explicit route strategy for the service

Generation: Stop on first found

Only applicable when Explicit Route Strategy is set to Standard BSID Preferred or Loose Hop BSID Preferred. Specifies whether the BSID generation algorithm will stop after a result is found, or continue attempting additional strategies for a potentially more optimal result.

Generation: Run permutations

Only applicable when Explicit Route Strategy is set to Standard BSID Preferred or Loose Hop BSID Preferred. In a multi-area topology with an area splitting strategy, specifies whether BSIDs will be programmed in all feasible areas (false) or if the computation will attempt different permutations to achieve label stack reduction.

Generation: Emplacement Preference

Only applicable when Explicit Route Strategy is set to Standard BSID Preferred or Loose Hop BSID Preferred and when the Run Permutations parameter is set to true. Specifies where in the network-relative topology the BSID will be placed, Core or Edge.

Compressed Fallback IGP TE

Only applicable when Explicit Route Strategy is set to Compressed. If maximum stack depth is exceeded, specifies whether LSPs will instead adhere to IGP shortest path (with traffic engineering) to allow for compression.

Compressed Fallback IGP No TE

Only applicable when Explicit Route Strategy is set to Compressed. If maximum stack depth is exceeded, specifies whether LSPs will instead adhere to IGP shortest path (without traffic engineering) allow for compression.

Compressed Fallback Status Quo

Only applicable when Explicit Route Strategy is set to Compressed. If prior path calculations found potential paths with label stacks that could not be compressed below the configured maximum stack depth, specifies whether the LSP will be permitted to adhere to that path if it is otherwise deemed healthy.

Compressed Fallback Loose Hop

Only applicable when Explicit Route Strategy is configured with a value of Compressed. If maximum stack depth is exceeded, specifies whether LSPs will instead use only node SIDs in order to stay operationally up. This parameter is disabled for disjoint LSPs.

Explicit Route Strategy ECMP Preference

Only applicable when Explicit Route Strategy is configured with a value of ECMP. Specifies the type of SID that will be preferred when calculating the ERO.

Control Route Strategy

Specifies the strategy to be used when rerouting a path

SID Protection Strategy

Specifies the extent of SID protection to be used when routing a path

Max Hops (Span)

Specifies the maximum number of hops (nodes) to consider when performing path computation

Max Cost

Specifies the maximum sum, as determined by IGP link metric, to consider when performing path computation

Max TE Metric

Specifies the maximum sum, as determined by TE metric, to consider when performing path computation

Max Latency (microseconds)

Specifies the maximum latency to consider when performing path computation

Latency Threshold

Specifies when to re-signal an LSP that is optimized on latency


Describes the path profile policy

Note: For more information about many of the above parameters, including their available options, refer to Path profile policy parameters.

As required, Exclude Route Objects by adding the IP address(es) of the object(s) to be excluded.

As required, Include Route Objects by adding the IP address(es) of the object(s) to be included. You must also specify Hop Type.

Click CREATE. The Path Profile policy is created.

End of steps

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