Use of hostnames for the NFM-P client
Hostnames usage scenarios
The following scenarios identify situations where it is necessary for the NFM-P client to be configured to use a hostname rather than a fixed IP address to reach the NFM-P server:
When CA signed TLS certificates are used, the FQDN must be used for client communication.
When NFM-P clients can connect to the NFM-P server over multiple interfaces on the NFM-P server. For example, when clients can connect over both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces.
When NAT is used between NFM-P clients and the NFM-P server.
For situations where the NFM-P client and the NFM-P auxiliary (and/or NFM-P peer server) are using different network interfaces to the NFM-P server, the NFM-P client must use a hostname to reach the NFM-P server.