FTP between the NFM-P server and NFM-P auxiliary statistics collector and the managed network

NFM-P server and NFM-P auxiliary statistics collector may use FTP for several purposes.

The NFM-P server may use FTP, if configured, to receive backup images of managed devices, to send new software images to the managed devices and to receive accounting statistics from the managed devices.

If an NFM-P auxiliary statistics collector station is installed, FTP will be used, if configured, to retrieve accounting statistics from managed devices.

If STM Accounting tests are being executed, the NFM-P server will retrieve the test results from the managed devices by FTP, if configured.

The FTP communication is configured as an extended passive FTP connection, with the managed devices serving as the FTP servers and the NFM-P server and NFM-P auxiliary acting as the FTP client.

Extended passive FTP connections use dynamically-allocated ports on both sides of the communication channel, and are ephemeral in nature. As such, the data sent from the managed devices will be sent from a port in the range of 1024-65536. This data will be sent to the NFM-P server on a port in the range of 1024-65536. Support for EPSV/EPRT ftp commands (commands that can replace PASV/PORT commands) must be enabled for connections to the 7x50 family of routers.