How do I approve misalignments?

Approving misalignments

NSP allows the user to approve misaligned attributes, missing objects, and undesired objects that are affecting their services. In these cases, a discrepancy exists between the service management instance of an entity and the instance of the entity that exists in the network. An approved misalignment no longer contributes to a service's misaligned state. Therefore, approving all misalignments affecting a service would cause that service to be categorized as aligned.

Note: Artifacts from earlier NSP releases are supported in general, but customers must upgrade to artifacts from NSP Release 23.11 or later in order to use the approved misalignments feature. If custom artifacts are being used, customers should contact Nokia Professional Services to have these updated.

Note: When a misalignment is approved, the username of the user who provided approval is recorded, as well as a timestamp. If another user approves subsequent misalignments on the same entity, that timestamp will be overwritten, and this user's username will be applied to all historical approvals - overwriting the original.


From the Service Management, Services view, perform one of the following:

  1. Click png1.png (Table row actions), Audit config in-line with a misaligned entity. The Audit Result form opens.

  2. Select a misaligned entity from the list, then expand the Alignment State section of the info panel and click AUDIT CONFIG. The Audit Result form opens.

Click on one or more of the tabs: MISALIGNED ATTRIBUTES, MISSING OBJECTS, and/or UNDESIRED OBJECTS, then select one or more entries from the list(s) and click APPROVE SELECTED. The selected misaligned attributes, missing objects, or undesired objects are moved to the list of approved misalignments.

As required, click on the APPROVED MISALIGNMENTS tab, select one or more entries from the list, then click REMOVE APPROVAL. The selected entries are returned to their initial tabs/lists.

Note: A list of misalignments that have been approved across all entities in the network is available from the Service Management, Approved Misalignments view.

End of steps

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