How do I create a customer?
The following procedure is used to create new customers. For information about discovering existing customers, see x.
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Perform one of the following:
From the Service Management, Customers view click + CREATE.
The Create a customer form opens.
During service creation, click on the Customer ID field, then click + CREATE CUSTOMER.
The Create a customer form opens.
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Configure the required parameters:
Parameter |
Description |
ID |
Specifies the ID of the customer |
Bulk Associate |
Specifies whether services belonging to this customer can be bulk associated with service templates |
Customer Name |
Specifies the name of the customer |
Description |
Describes the customer |
Contact |
Specifies the point of contact for the customer |
Phone Number |
Specifies the phone number of the customer |
Email |
Specifies the E-mail address of the customer |
Address |
Specifies the address of the customer |
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The customer is created.
Note: The newly-created customer will only be populated within NFM-P when a service is created that specifies the customer.
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