How do I restore the NSP deployer host?


The following steps describe how to restore the NSP deployer host in an NSP cluster, for example, if the deployer host VM fails and must be recreated.

Note: The steps describe how to restore an NSP deployer host in a KVM virtualization environment; for OpenStack or VMware ESXi, see the RHEL or VMware documentation for information about how to restore a VM.

Note: In order to perform the procedure, you require a backup of the NSP deployer host configuration. A backup is created during NSP system deployment or reconfiguration, and also by performing How do I back up the NSP deployer host?.


Log in as the root user on the station that hosts the NSP deployer host VM.

Open a console window.

Create a temporary local directory.

Note: The directory must be empty.

Enter the following:

cd directory

where directory is the temporary directory created in Step 3.

Copy the NSP deployer host backup file set to the temporary directory.

Enter the following to convert the backup NSP deployer host qcow2 image to raw format:

qemu-img convert -f qcow2 backup_image.qcow2 -O raw new_image.img ↵


backup_image is the backup image file name

new_image is a name to assign to the new image file

If the NSP deployer host is running, enter the following to stop the VM:

virsh destroy VM

where VM is the VM name

Enter the following to deploy the VM:

Note: One “--network bridge=bridge_name” entry is required for each VM interface that you intend to configure.

virt-install --connect qemu:///system --ram RAM --vcpu=vCPUs -n instance --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel7 --disk path="new_image", device=disk,bus=virtio,format=raw,io=native,cache=none --network bridge=bridge_name --import & ↵


RAM is the required amount of VM RAM in the response to your Platform Sizing Request, in Mbytes; for example, 64 Gbytes is expressed as 65536, which is 64 x 1024 Mbytes

vCPUs is the required number of vCPU threads in the response to your Platform Sizing Request

instance is the name to assign to the VM

new_image is the name of the disk image created in Step 6

bridge_name is the name of the network bridge for a VM interface

When the VM creation is complete, enter the following:

virsh domiflist deployer_host | awk '{print $5}' ↵

where deployer_host is the instance name assigned to the VM

The NSP deployer host MAC address is displayed.


Record the MAC address for use in a later step.


Enter the following to open a console session as the root user on the NSP deployer host:

virsh console deployer_host


Open the following file with a plain-text editor such as vi:



n is the Ethernet interface number; for example, eth0 is the first interface


Edit the following line as shown below:


where MAC_address is MAC address recorded in Step 9


Save and close the file.


Enter the following:

init 6 ↵

The NSP deployer host station reboots, and the NSP deployer host is restored.


Close the console window.

End of steps