How do I update the NSP system configuration?


Perform this procedure to update one or more aspects of the NSP deployment; for example:

  • Change a parameter value.

  • Add an installation option.

  • Remove an installation option.



Service Disruption

Performing the procedure requires a restart of each NSP cluster, which is service-affecting. During the restart, the NSP may be temporarily unavailable.

You must perform the procedure only during a scheduled maintenance period.

Note: You must perform the procedure on each NSP cluster.

Note: In a DR deployment, you must perform the steps first on the standby NSP cluster.


Log in as the root or NSP admin user on the NSP deployer host.

Open a console window.

If you intend to remove any installation options, stop the NSP cluster.

Note: If the NSP cluster VMs do not have the required SSH key, you must include the --ask-pass argument in the nspdeployerctl command, as shown in the following example, and are subsequently prompted for the root password of each cluster member:

nspdeployerctl --ask-pass uninstall --undeploy

  1. Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:


  2. Edit the following line in the platform section, kubernetes subsection to read as shown below:


  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Enter the following:

    cd /opt/nsp/NSP-CN-DEP-release-ID/bin ↵

  5. Enter the following:

    ./nspdeployerctl uninstall --undeploy ↵

    The NSP cluster stops.

Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:


Add or remove installation options

Locate the installationOptions section in the nsp section, which resembles the following:


    - name: "NSP Platform - Base Services"

      id: platform-baseServices

    - name: "NSP Platform - Logging and Monitoring"

      id: platform-loggingMonitoring

#    - name: "Other Installation Option"

#      id: otherInstallationOption

To add an installation option, uncomment the installation option name and id lines by removing the leading # character from each line.

Note: You must preserve the leading spaces in each line.

To remove an installation option, convert the installation option name and id lines to comments by inserting a # character at the beginning of each line.

Note: You must preserve the spaces that follow the # character.

Update parameters

To enable a parameter that is currently disabled, uncomment the parameter line by removing the leading # character.

Note: You must preserve the leading spaces in the line.

To disable a parameter that is currently enabled, comment out the parameter line by restoring the leading # character.

Note: You must preserve the leading spaces in the line.


Configure parameter values, as required.

Save and deploy updated configuration

Save and close the nsp-config.yml file.


Enter the following to start the NSP cluster:

Note: If the NSP cluster VMs do not have the required SSH key, you must include the --ask-pass argument in the nspdeployerctl command, as shown in the following example, and are subsequently prompted for the root password of each cluster member:

nspdeployerctl --ask-pass install --config --deploy

./nspdeployerctl install --config --deploy ↵

The NSP cluster starts, and the configuration update is put into effect.


Close the console window.

End of steps