Workflow: NFM-P database management


Note: It is strongly recommended that you verify the checksum of each file that you download from the NSP download page on the Nokia Support portal. You can compare the SHA-256 checksum value in the Packages.sha256sum on the download page to the output of the RHEL sha256sum command. See the RHEL sha256sum man page for information.

Database properties and status

Display the main database properties; see How do I view the main database properties? .

Database operation and security

As a security precaution, configure the number of failed Oracle database user login attempts that the NFM-P allows before a user is locked out; see How do I configure the Oracle database user lockout threshold? .

As required, unlock the Oracle database user account after multiple login failures; see How do I unlock the Oracle database user account? .

Configure how the NFM-P responds to Oracle database errors; see How do I configure Oracle database error monitoring? .

Configure size constraint policies to regulate the number of records retained in the main database; see How do I configure a size constraint policy? .

Configure ageout constraint policies to define a configurable ageout time for a specific object type in the main database; see How do I configure an ageout constraint policy? .

Manage main database disk usage by configuring policies to manage the file size and number of archive log and core dump files; see How do I create a database file policy to manage database log or core dump files? .

Configure the statistics data retention period for the main database; see How do I configure the statistics data retention period for the main database? .

Backup, restore, and maintenance

Perform an immediate full or partial main database backup; see How do I back up the main database from the client GUI? or How do I back up the main database from a CLI? .


Schedule a regular main database backup; see How do I schedule main database backups? .


Restore the main database in a standalone system; see How do I restore a standalone main database?.


Restore the main database in a redundant system; see How do I restore the primary main database in a redundant system?.


As required, delete the inactive residential subscriber instances from the main database; see How do I delete the inactive residential subscriber instances?.


Test the main database restore function to ensure that main database backups are viable in the event of a failure; see How do I test an NFM-P main database restore? .


Export a main database to a file set; see How do I export an NFM-P main database?.


Import a main database from a file set; see How do I import an NFM-P main database?.


Verify the synchronization of NE and main database information; see How do I check the main database performance? .

Redundancy functions

Perform a main database switchover; see How do I configure main database switchover behavior? , How do I perform a main database switchover using the NFM-P client GUI? , or How do I perform a main database switchover using a CLI script? .


Enable or disable automatic database realignment on a main server; see How do I enable or disable automatic database realignment?.


Re-establish redundancy after a database activity switch or similar maintenance activity; see How do I reinstantiate the main database from the client GUI? and How do I reinstantiate the main database from a CLI?.