How do I update the NFM-P license in a redundant deployment?

Note: The license files that you import to the primary and standby main servers must contain identical license quantity and option values.

Note: To reduce the risk of importing mismatched licenses, it is recommended that you obtain one license file that contains the system ID of each main server, and then import the same file on each main server.

Note: The primary and standby main server licenses must be synchronized to ensure correct NFM-P operation in the event of a server activity switch. The main servers compare license values after a system reconfiguration. If a difference is detected, the NFM-P raises an alarm that you can clear when the licenses are synchronized.

Update license on primary main server

Open a client GUI to monitor the NFM-P during the license update.

Log in to the primary main server station as the nsp user.

Open a console window.

Navigate to the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin directory.

Enter the following:

bash$ ./nmsserver.bash import_license license_file

where license_file is the absolute file path of the NFM-P license zip file

The following prompt is displayed:

Detected an NFM-P license key. Do you want to proceed? (YES/no): 

Enter the following:


The primary main server reads the license file, copies the license file to a backup location, and displays the following status information:

Importing NFM-P license key...

Original license key file has been backed up to /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/timestamp/


where timestamp is a directory name in the following format:

Note: Importing the new license on the primary main server creates a license mismatch with the standby main server. As a result, the NFM-P raises an alarm that you can clear when the license import on each main server is complete.

Close the console window.

Update license on standby main server

Log in to the standby main server station as the nsp user.

Open a console window.


Navigate to the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin directory.


Enter the following:

bash$ ./nmsserver.bash import_license license_file

where license_file is the absolute file path of the NFM-P license zip file

The following prompt is displayed:

Detected an NFM-P license key. Do you want to proceed? (YES/no): 


Enter the following:


The standby main server reads the license file, copies the license file to a backup location, and displays the following status information:

Importing NFM-P license key...

Original license key file has been backed up to /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/timestamp/


where timestamp is a directory name in the following format:


Enter the following to restart the standby main server:

bash$ ./nmsserver.bash force_restart ↵

The main server restarts.


Enter the following:

bash$ ./nmsserver.bash appserver_status ↵

The server status is displayed; the server is fully initialized if the status is the following:

Application Server process is running.  See nms_status for more detail.

If the server is not fully initialized, wait five minutes and then repeat this step. Do not perform the next step until the server is fully initialized.


Close the console window.

Verify new license information

Perform How do I view the NFM-P license information? to verify the imported license information.


If a license parameter is incorrect, contact technical support.


After you verify that the license information is correct, clear the license mismatch alarm.


Close the GUI client, if it is no longer required.

End of steps