How do I modify the base configuration of all GUI clients?

Note: You can exclude a specific NFM-P client from a global configuration change by using a command line option when you open the client GUI.


Log in to the NFM-P main server station as the nsp user.

Modify the appropriate client configuration file in the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/config/clientDeploy directory. For example, update the nms-client.xml file with a new client log location.

Open a console window.

Enter the following to enable an update notification for clients that connect to the server and to prepare the client configuration files for download.

bash$ /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin/nmsdeploytool.bash deploy ↵

Close the console window.

Perform one of the following on each single-user GUI client and client delegate server station.

Note: When you perform this step on a client delegate server station, you affect each GUI client that connects through the client delegate server.

  1. Update the client configuration by restarting the client GUI. The client automatically backs up the current configuration and applies the configuration change.

    Note: On a RHEL client delegate server station, you must start the client software as the root user, or the configuration update fails.

    On RHEL, the client configuration backup is stored in the path/nms/configBackup directory, where path is the client installation location, typically /opt/nsp/client.

    On Windows, the client configuration backup is stored in the path\nms\configBackup directory, where path is the client installation location, typically C:\nsp\client.

  2. Retain the current client configuration when the client GUI starts by specifying the startup option that disables the auto-client update function. See “Procedures for opening and closing the GUI” in the NSP NFM-P User Guide for information about GUI client startup options.

    Note: Specifying a client startup option affects only the current GUI session. To ensure that the client configuration is not updated automatically during a subsequent session, you must open the session using the startup option that disables the auto-client update.

End of steps