How do I test auxiliary database disk performance?


The disk performance of an NFM-P component affects overall system performance, and must meet or exceed the minimum specifications in the response to the NFM-P Platform Sizing Request for your system.

Also, before you add capacity to a disk or partition on an NFM-P component, for example, using LVM, you must ensure that the disk throughput and latency values remain within tolerance, which is defined as being within 10% of the current values.

Note: The disk performance of the stations in an auxiliary database cluster must be closely matched. You must test and compare the disk performance of each station in a cluster to ensure optimal performance.

Perform this procedure to check the disk performance of an NSP auxiliary database station.



Service Disruption

Checking the disk performance requires a shutdown of the auxiliary database cluster and is service-affecting.

Perform the procedure only during a scheduled maintenance period.


Perform How do I stop an auxiliary database cluster?.

When the auxiliary database cluster is stopped, enter the following as the root user on the auxiliary database station to begin the test:

/opt/vertica/bin/vioperf /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/data ↵

Record the utility output.

As a routine performance check, perform the following steps.

  1. Compare the following recorded values with the values specified for your auxiliary database deployment:

    • Read

    • Write

    • Rewrite

    • %IO Wait

  2. If the values do not meet the minimum specifications, contact technical support.

  3. Go to Step 6.

If you are adding capacity to a disk or partition, perform the following steps.

  1. Add the required capacity to the disk or partition.

  2. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 as required.

  3. Compare the following values from before and after the capacity increase:

    • Read

    • Write

    • Rewrite

    • %IO Wait

  4. If the values differ by more than 10%, contact technical support.

Close the console windows.

End of steps