How do I change the OLC state of one or more objects?



Service Disruption

Changing the OLC state of an object also changes the OLC state of child objects that are not locked in maintenance mode, and may affect NFM-P system performance.

Ensure that you change the OLC state of an object that has many child objects only during a period of low NFM-P activity, such as during a scheduled maintenance period.

Note: You can change the OLC state of multiple services at once only if the services are of the same type.

Note: An OLC state change operation may take several minutes to complete, depending on the number of objects that the state change affects.


Perform one of the following.

  1. Use the OLC form.

    1. Choose Administration→OLC from the NFM-P main menu. The OLC form opens.

    2. Choose a service or network object type from the drop-down menu and click Search. A list of objects is displayed.

    3. Select one or more entries and click OLC State→Maintenance or OLC State→In Service.

  2. Use an object properties form.

    1. Open the object properties form of one object, or the multi-instance properties form of multiple objects. A properties form opens.

    2. Configure the Current OLC State parameter.

The OLC state of each selected object changes.

Save the changes and close the open forms.

End of steps