How do I create an NFM-P user group?


Using an account with an assigned Security scope of command role, choose Administration→Security→NFM-P User Security from the NFM-P main menu. The NFM-P User Security - Security Management (Edit) form opens.

Click on the User Groups tab and click Create. The User Group (Create) form opens.

Configure the required general parameters.

Enable and configure the Maximum User Group Operator Positions Allowed parameter to specify the maximum number of operator positions for the user group, where one operator position allows for one NFM-P non-web client session and one web client session for the user group.

Configure the parameters in the Expiry Periods panel.

If the user group is for remote XML API users, configure the required parameters in the Remote Users panel.

Select a scope of command profile in the Scope of Command panel.

Select a span of control profile in the Span of Control panel.

If you are modifying a user group, click on the Format and Range Policies tab. The Select Format or Range Policies form opens.


Select one or more policies and click OK.

Note: When you change the scope of command or span of control profiles of a group, the permissions of each user in the group are altered immediately when you click OK.

You cannot delete a user group that contains users.


Save your changes and close the form.


If an active client session is affected by the user group modification, restart the client.

End of steps