How do I create a region for a physical map layout?


Complete this procedure to add regions to a physical map layout. You can create multiple regions.


Open Map Layouts and Groups.

In the Map Layout view, select Physical from the Layer drop-down list.

On the right-hand side of the GUI, click png12.png Add Region. The Add Region form appears.

You can also perform this function from the png13.png Map Layout view.

Specify a name and description for the region and follow the instructions in the form, clicking Continue to navigate through the pages.

In the Add NEs step, specify NEs for the region, either through inclusion filters or manually:

  • Filter NEs based on NE attributes. Select Attribute Filter from the drop-down list, click Add Context Filter and select an NE attribute. When the new filter appears in the list, click png14.png Add Filter and type an attribute value. You can specify multiple attributes.

  • Add NEs to the region manually. Select Manual Entry from the drop-down list. You can then click Import to import a comma-separated list of NE management IP addresses, or click Add Management IP and specify an individual NE management IP address.

  • Filter NEs based on advanced filter expressions. Select Advanced Filter from the drop-down list. Type a filter expression in the Filter Contents field, starting with an NE attribute, followed by a Boolean operator and an attribute value. The system suggests possible attributes, operators, and attribute values as you type, and displays error messages in red when an expression is invalid. You can combine attribute-value expressions using AND and OR operators.

When you have finished configuring your filters, click Continue. The filter results are listed in the Review and Adjustments form.

Review the list of NEs to include in the region. If you want to exclude any of the listed NEs, click png15.png Exclude on the item. Click Finish to save the region.

End of steps