How do I configure alarm debouncing ?


Choose Administration→Alarm Settings from the NFM-P main menu. The Alarm Settings form opens.

Click on the Policies tab and choose one or more alarm policies. In the policies table, only policies which show “N/A” under Auto Deletion Rule are configurable with alarm debouncing. If you select one or more alarm policies for which the Auto Deletion Rule parameter is a value other than “N/A”, the alarm debouncing parameters do not appear.

Choose the policy and click Properties. The Specific Alarm Policy (Edit) form opens.

Note: You can also open the Specific Alarm Policy (Edit) form from the Alarm Info form, by clicking on the View Policy button.

Configure the Enable Alarm Debouncing parameter.

Configure the Hold Period (seconds) parameter to specify the debouncing time interval. If you are enabling alarm debouncing for this policy for the first time, the default value is automatically set to 180. If alarm debouncing was previously enabled, then disabled, the value of the Hold Period (seconds) parameter remains as the last configured value.

Save and close the forms.

End of steps