How do I modify my advanced filters?


You can modify previously-saved advanced filters.


Open Users and Security.

Select User Activity Logs from the drop-down list on the toolbar.

The User Activity Logs list displays a list of events over a specified time period (All Available, by default).

On the User Activity Logs list, click png14.png Add Filter, Manage Saved Filter. The Manage Filters form opens.

To modify a filter, hover over the filter item in the list and click png22.png More, png23.png Edit. The filter opens in the Edit Filter form.

Edit the filter expression as required and do one of the following:

  • Click Update Filter to save the filter changes for future use.

  • Click Apply to apply the modified filter to the event log immediately. The changes to the filter expression are not saved.

If you want to delete a filter, hover over the filter item in the list and click png22.png More, png36.png Delete. Click Ok to confirm the deletion.

Click Ok to close the Saved Filters form.

End of steps