How do I apply an NSP license?


Perform this procedure to apply a new or updated NSP license to an NSP system.



Service disruption

Performing the procedure requires a restart of each NSP cluster, which is service-affecting.

You must perform the procedure only during a scheduled maintenance period.

Note: You must perform the procedure on each NSP cluster.

Note: In a DR deployment, you must perform the steps first on the standby NSP cluster.

Note: release-ID in a file path has the following format:



R.r.p is the NSP release, in the form MAJOR.minor.patch

version is a numeric value


Log in as the root or NSP admin user on the NSP deployer host.

Open a console window.

If you do not know the license file location, perform the following steps.

Note: The location is configurable during NSP deployment; the default is /opt/nsp.

  1. Open the following file for viewing:


  2. Record the location of the file, which is the file value in the license subsection of the nsp section.

  3. Close the file.

Transfer the new file to the path recorded in Step 3.

Enter the following to start the NSP cluster:

Note: If the NSP cluster VMs do not have the required SSH key, you must include the --ask-pass argument in the nspdeployerctl command, as shown in the following example, and are subsequently prompted for the root password of each cluster member:

nspdeployerctl --ask-pass install --config –-deploy

/opt/nsp/NSP-CN-DEP-release-ID/bin/nspdeployerctl install --config –-deploy ↵

The NSP cluster starts, and the license is applied.

Close the console window.

End of steps