How do I remove an auxiliary database station?


Perform this procedure to remove a station from an auxiliary database.



Service Disruption

This procedure requires a restart of each main server, which is service-affecting.

Perform this procedure only during a scheduled maintenance period.

Note: If the auxiliary database is geo-redundant, the primary and standby clusters must have the same number of stations; if you remove a station from one cluster, you must also remove a station from the other cluster.

Note: release-ID in a file path has the following format:



R.r.p is the NSP release, in the form MAJOR.minor.patch

version is a numeric value


If the auxiliary database is geo-redundant, you must identify which auxiliary database cluster is currently primary.

If you do not know which cluster is currently the primary cluster, perform How do I check the auxiliary database status?.

Stop auxiliary database proxies

Perform the following steps on each auxiliary database station.

Note: If the auxiliary database is geo-redundant, you must stop the database proxy on each station in each auxiliary database cluster.

  1. Log in to the station as the root user.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    systemctl stop nspos-auxdbproxy.service ↵

  4. Verify that the proxy is stopped; enter the following:

    systemctl status nspos-auxdbproxy ↵

Remove station from standalone or primary cluster

Log in to the auxiliary database station as the root user.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/bin ↵

Enter the following to block external access to the auxiliary database ports:

./ shieldsUp ↵

Enter the following to stop the auxiliary database:

./ force_stop ↵

Enter the following to start the auxiliary database:

./ start ↵

Enter the following:

./ removeNode internal_IP

where internal_IP is the IP address that the station uses to communicate with the other auxiliary database stations

You are prompted for the database user password.


Enter the password.

The removal operation begins.

Note: If a cluster rebalance is required, the operation may take considerable time, depending on the volume of data in the auxiliary database.

The station is removed from the auxiliary database.


If the NSP deployment does not include the NFM-P, or is geo-redundant, go to Step 13.

Reconfigure NFM-P, standalone auxiliary database

If the NSP deployment includes the NFM-P, perform the following steps on each NFM-P main server station.

Note: In a redundant NFM-P deployment, you must perform the steps on the standby main server station first.

  1. Log in to the station as the nsp user.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    bash$ cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin ↵

  4. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./nmsserver.bash stop ↵

  5. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./nmsserver.bash appserver_status ↵

    The server status is displayed; the server is fully stopped if the status is the following:

    Application Server is stopped

    If the server is not fully stopped, wait five minutes and then repeat this step. Do not perform the next step until the server is fully stopped.

  6. Enter the following to switch to the root user:

    bash$ su - ↵

  7. Enter the following:

    samconfig -m main ↵

  8. Enter the following:

    <main> configure auxdb ip-list station_1_IP,station_2_IP,...station_n_IP exit ↵


    station_1_IP,station_2_IP,...station_n_IP are the IP addresses of the remaining stations in the cluster

  9. Enter the following:

    <main> apply ↵

    The configuration is applied.

  10. Enter the following:

    <main> exit ↵

    The samconfig utility closes.

  11. Enter the following to switch back to the nsp user:

    exit ↵

Reconfigure auxiliary database cluster

Log in as the root user on one of the remaining auxiliary database stations in the cluster.


Open the /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/config/install.config file using a plain-text editor such as vi.



Service disruption

Changing a parameter in the auxiliary database install.config file can have serious consequences that include service disruption.

Do not change any parameter in the install.config file, other than the parameters described in the steps, without guidance from technical support.

Locate the following line and delete the IP address of the station that is being removed:



Locate the following line and delete the IP address entries of the station that is being removed:



Save and close the install.config file.


Enter the following:

/opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/bin/ distributeConfig ↵

The updated configuration is distributed to the other auxiliary database stations in the cluster.


Enter the following to allow external access to the auxiliary database ports:

/opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/bin/ shieldsDown ↵


Enter the following on each remaining auxiliary database station in the cluster to start the database proxy:

systemctl start nspos-auxdbproxy.service ↵


If the auxiliary database is standalone, go to Step 29.

Configure standby cluster

Log in as the root user on the station that is to be removed from the standby auxiliary database cluster.

Note: The station that you remove from the standby cluster must be the station that occupies the same list position in the NFM-P main server configuration. For example, if the stations in the primary cluster are listed in the order 1, 2, 3, and you are removing station 2, you must remove the second station listed in the configuration of the standby cluster.


Enter the following:

/opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/bin/ removeNode internal_IP

where internal_IP is the IP address that the station uses to communicate with the other auxiliary database stations in the cluster

You are prompted for the database user password.


Enter the password.

The operation begins.

Note: If a cluster rebalance is required, the operation may take considerable time, depending on the volume of data in the auxiliary database.

The station is removed from the auxiliary database.


Log in as the root user on one of the remaining auxiliary database stations in the standby cluster.


Enter the following:

cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/auxdb/install/bin ↵


Perform Step 14 to Step 20.


If the NSP deployment does not include the NFM-P, go to Step 30.

Reconfigure NFM-P, geo-redundant auxiliary database

Perform the following steps on each main server in each data center.

Note: In a redundant NFM-P deployment, you must perform the steps on the standby main server first.

  1. Log in to the main server station as the nsp user.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    bash$ cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin ↵

  4. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./nmsserver.bash stop ↵

  5. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./nmsserver.bash appserver_status ↵

    The server status is displayed; the server is fully stopped if the status is the following:

    Application Server is stopped

    If the server is not fully stopped, wait five minutes and then repeat this step. Do not perform the next step until the server is fully stopped.

  6. Enter the following to switch to the root user:

    bash$ su - ↵

  7. Enter the following:

    samconfig -m main ↵

  8. Enter the following:

    Note: The order of the IP addresses must be the same on each main server in the geo-redundant system.

    <main> configure auxdb ip-list IP_list exit ↵


    IP_list is a list of the IP addresses in the following format:


  9. Enter the following:

    <main> apply ↵

    The configuration is applied.

  10. Enter the following:

    <main> exit ↵

    The samconfig utility closes.

  11. Enter the following to switch back to the nsp user:

    exit ↵

Configure NSP clusters

Perform Step 32 to Step 38 on the NSP cluster in each data center.


Go to Step 39.


Log in as the root or NSP admin user on the NSP deployer host.


Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:



Locate the following section:


      ipList: "cluster_1_IP1,cluster_1_IP2...cluster_1_IPn"

      standbyIpList: "cluster_2_IP1,cluster_2_IP2...cluster_2_IPn"


Delete the IP address of each auxiliary database station that you are removing.


Save and close the file.


Enter the following to start the NSP cluster:

Note: If the NSP cluster VMs do not have the required SSH key, you must include the --ask-pass argument in the nspdeployerctl command, as shown in the following example, and are subsequently prompted for the root password of each cluster member:

nspdeployerctl --ask-pass install --config –-deploy

/opt/nsp/NSP-CN-DEP-release-ID/bin/nspdeployerctl install --config –-deploy ↵

The NSP cluster starts, and the configuration update is put into effect.


Close the console window.

Start NFM-P main servers

If the NSP deployment includes the NFM-P, start each main server.

Note: In a DR deployment, you must start the primary main server first.

  1. Log in to the station as the nsp user.

  2. Open a console window.

  3. Enter the following:

    bash$ cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin ↵

  4. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./nmsserver.bash start ↵

The main server starts.


Close the open console windows.

End of steps