How do I optimize alarm event notifications?


The alarm event buffer receives all alarm events that must be broadcast to JMS clients. For optimization purposes, the buffer fills up alarm events and flushes the queue every 3 seconds. During these 3 seconds, if a creation event is queued followed by a deletion event for that same object, both of these events cancel each other out, and no event is sent. However, the alarm corresponding to the deletion event is still logged into historical alarms.

You can disable the canceling of creation and deletion event pairs. All of the events are reported to all subscribed JMS listeners and are displayed in the Active Alarm list of each GUI client. When this option is deselected, the user receives a warning that this will impact alarm event processing. If optimization is not enabled, third-party JMS listeners may not be able to manage the increased event rate.


Choose Administration→Alarm Settings from the NFM-P main menu. The Alarm Settings form opens.

Ensure the Optimize Alarm Event Notifications parameter is enabled.

Save the changes and close the form.

End of steps