To configure flow statistics aggregation


Log in to a station that has access to the NSP system.

Open a console window.

Issue the required RESTCONF API call and specify the following:

Note: In order to issue a RESTCONF API call, you require a token; see the My First NSP API Client tutorial on the Network Developer Portal for information.

  • statistics class

  • aggregations type

  • aggregation interval

  • interval closing timeout, a latency value that is applied at the end of a collection interval to ensure that any queued statistics are written to the current file. Typically, the default value of one second is adequate; configure the parameter only at the request of technical support

Note: The statistics collection interval affects NSP Flow Collector performance. A larger interval results in proportionally larger files, which take longer to store and transfer.

Note: For CGNAT statistics, you must set the collection interval no higher than the following, based on the expected flow rate:

  • 350 000 flows/s—1 minute

  • 50 000 flows/s—5 minutes

  • 25 000 flows/s—15 minutes

Close the console window.

End of steps