To configure a statistics policy for accounting statistics on a SAP or an SDP


Choose Manage→Service→Services from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Services form opens.

Specify a filter to create a filtered list of services and click Search. A list of services is displayed.

Select a service in the list and click Properties. The service properties form opens.

Click on one of the following tabs:

Note: The tabs that are displayed depend on the type of service that is chosen.

  • L2 Access Interfaces

  • L3 Access Interfaces

  • Mesh SDP Bindings

  • Spoke SDP Bindings

The properties form for the object opens.

Click on the Statistics tab.

Choose a statistics class from the object drop-down menu.

Click Statistics Policies and choose Statistics Policy. The Statistics Policy form opens.

Configure the required parameters.

If the Administrative State parameter is set to Down, accounting statistics for the selected statistics class type are not stored in the NFM-P database. The statistics cannot be viewed in the NFM-P GUI or exported to an NFM-P XML API client using find or findToFile operations. However, if an NFM-P XML API client registers using registerLogToFile, the accounting statistics data is exported to files.

Click on the Thresholds tab. The Thresholds tab contains a threshold parameter for each counter in the statistics class. When a statistics counter threshold is exceeded, the NFM-P raises a threshold-crossing alarm.


Configure one or more threshold parameters by selecting the check box beside a parameter and then entering a threshold value.


Click OK.


Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps