How do TSC interfaces work?
Northbound and southbound interfaces
Figure 1-6, TSC for automation and assurance of transport slices shows how the NSP-as-TSC uses its NBI to communicate with the end-to-end network slice orchestrator and its SBI to communicate with the transport network controllers. Various 3GPP interfaces connect the TSC with the RAN and Core NSSMF.
Figure 1-6: TSC for automation and assurance of transport slices
The NBI between the TSC and the end-to-end network slice orchestrator (NSMF) is a technology agnostic RESTful interface used to send requests for creation/deletion/modification of transport slices.
The SBI are RESTful technology-specific (IP, Optics, PON, Microwave, etc) interfaces toward third-party applications used for transport slice realization.
IETF compliance
TSC is compliant with the IETF Standard/Open model. The TSC supports the IETF NBI described by the following specification: