To display logs using the LogViewer CLI


Perform this procedure to start the LogViewer CLI and view one or more logs.


Log in to a station as the nsp user.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

bash$ /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin/logviewer.bash argument options parameter


argument is an argument listed in Table 4-1, LogViewer CLI startup arguments

options is one or more of the options listed in Table 4-2, LogViewer CLI startup options

parameter is a parameter listed in Table 4-3, LogViewer CLI startup parameters

Table 4-1: LogViewer CLI startup arguments




Display LogViewer version information.


Display LogViewer CLI help text.

Table 4-2: LogViewer CLI startup options




Prepend a counter number to each displayed log entry.


Parses and display the entire contents of a file before displaying the real-time updates.

-ansi level attribute

Display events and filters using ANSI-specified colors


level is a logging level, such as debug

attribute is an ANSI color attribute, such as 42m to specify the color green


Quit LogViewer after parsing the log files.

Table 4-3: LogViewer CLI startup parameters



-xml file_name

Read information such as log file, plug-in and filter specifications from the XML file specified by file_name. The LogViewer GUI can export this information to an XML file.

file name

Display the specified file when LogViewer starts.

The LogViewer CLI opens in display mode. If a log file is specified as a startup parameter, the most recent entries in the log file are displayed as they are written to the log file. Otherwise, a cursor is displayed.

Enter command mode by pressing ↵. The following prompt is displayed:


This prompt is called the root prompt. The table below describes the options that are available at the root prompt.

Table 4-4: LogViewer CLI root menu options




opens a submenu for choosing the logs to view


opens a submenu for specifying which log files to list in the open submenu


opens a submenu for adding, listing or deleting filters


opens a submenu for adding, listing or delete plugins


opens a submenu for configuring LogViewer CLI and GUI options


lists the files in the open submenu file list


resets the log message counts


displays LogViewer statistics for the current log

The following options are also available in submenus:


goes to the previous menu


goes to the root menu


quits LogViewer


returns to display mode

Enter the following:

open ↵

The following prompt is displayed:


Press ↵ to display the list of available logs.

Perform one of the following:

  1. To view a log in the list, enter the name of a log and press ↵.

  2. To view a log that is not listed, perform the following steps.

    1. Enter the following:

      other ↵

      The following prompt is displayed:

      File Name (full path)?

    2. Enter the absolute or relative path of the log file that you want to open and press ↵. LogViewer opens the file.

Enter the following to enter display mode and view the real-time log updates:

return ↵

LogViewer enters display mode. Log updates are displayed as they occur.

To add a filter that restricts the types of log entries that are displayed during the current LogViewer session, perform the following steps:

  1. Press ↵ to enter command mode.

  2. Enter the following to return to the root menu:

    root ↵

    The following prompt is displayed:


  3. Enter the following:

    filter ↵

    The following prompt is displayed:



    You can also use commands at this menu level to list and delete filters.

  4. Enter the following:

    add ↵

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Filter name:

  5. Enter a name for the filter and press ↵.

  6. The following prompts are displayed in sequence:






    At each prompt, enter a regular expression to use as a match criterion, if required, and press ↵.

  7. The following prompt is displayed:

    Display Filter? (Y/N):

    Enter y ↵ to apply the filter to the current log display. LogViewer applies the filter.

  8. Enter the following to return to display mode:

    return ↵

    LogViewer enters display mode. The log updates are filtered before they are displayed.


To list the available log files, perform the following steps:

  1. Press ↵ to enter command mode.

  2. Enter the following:

    list ↵

    LogViewer lists the available log files.

  3. Enter the following to return to display mode:

    return ↵


To display statistics about the current LogViewer session, perform the following steps:

  1. Press ↵ to enter command mode.

  2. Enter the following:

    stats ↵

    LogViewer displays statistics about the current session.

  3. Enter the following to return to display mode:

    return ↵


To reset the statistics counters for the current LogViewer session, perform the following steps:

  1. Press ↵ to enter command mode.

  2. Enter the following:

    reset ↵

    LogViewer resets the counters.

  3. Enter the following to return to display mode:

    return ↵


Enter the following to close LogViewer:

quit ↵

End of steps