To retrieve cluster member information


Enter the following to view information about a specific member:

kubectl describe nodes node_name

where node_name is the name of the member to view

The command output includes member information such as the following:

  • member status; for example:

    Type                 Status   LastHeartbeatTime                 LastTransitionTime                Reason       Message

    ----                 ------   -----------------                 ------------------                ------       -------

    NetworkUnavailable   False    Wed, 30 Sep 2020 12:19:23 -0400   Wed, 30 Sep 2020 12:19:23 -0400   CalicoIsUp   Calico is running on this node

  • member resource capacity; for example:


      cpu:                24

      ephemeral-storage:  67092472Ki

      hugepages-1Gi:      0

      hugepages-2Mi:      0

      memory:             64381888Ki

      pods:               110

  • running pods on the member; for example:

    Namespace   Name                                 CPU Requests   CPU Limits     Memory Requests   Memory Limits   AGE

    ---------   ----                                 ------------   ----------     ---------------   -------------   ---

    default     nginx-ingress-controller-8fj7s       100m (0%)      12 (37%)       500Mi (0%)        1000Mi (0%)     7h9m

    default     nspos-app1-tomcat-8597d67787-wdgxd   5100m (16%)    12100m (38%)   17230Mi (13%)     17230Mi (13%)   7h10m

    default     nspos-neo4j-core-default-1           2050m (6%)     2050m (6%)     2650Mi (2%)       2650Mi (2%)     7h10m

    default     nspos-postgresql-primary-0           6050m (19%)    6050m (19%)    1290Mi (1%)       1290Mi (1%)     7h9m

  • resources allocated to the member; for example:

    Resource           Requests          Limits

    --------           --------          ------   

    cpu                22870m (71%)      41150m (129%)

    memory             42120228Ki (32%)  44290630912 (33%)

    ephemeral-storage  0 (0%)            0 (0%)

End of steps