Policy configuration workflow


The following workflow describes the creation of a policy using the NFM-P. The workflow does not include the discovery on a NE or configuration using CLI. See “Policy management” in the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide for more information about policy management.


Create the required policy using the appropriate policy class. Policies created using the XML API are global and are in Released configuration mode. See  Policy configuration mode in this section for information about configuration mode. When the global policy is in the Released configuration mode, a backup copy of the latest released version of the policy is saved. This can be used later to restore the released version of the global policy if the operator decides to revert back to the setting in the previous released version of the global policy.

Distribute the policy to selected NEs. After the policy is distributed successfully, a local policy is created for each NE. Local policies are instances of global policies that are assigned to individual NEs and contain properties applicable only to that NE. Local policies have a distribution mode, which is set to SyncWithGlobal when the policy is created using the workflow.