To record and replay a JMS message stream



Equipment Damage

The replay function may affect the NFM-P main server, GUI client, or OSS client performance.

Note: The replay function is a JMS exercise and there is no interaction with the NFM-P system or network configuration.

The tool does not monitor disk capacity; you must stop recording messages to avoid excessive disk consumption.

You can modify the messages and delays by adding or removing attributes.

The delay is measured in milliseconds.

Only the syntax is validated. Invalid syntax prevents replay.


Log in to an NFM-P main server as the nsp user.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

bash$ cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin/unsupported ↵

To start recording JMS messages, enter the following:

bash$ ./jmsTools.bash jmsRecorder start filename

where filename is the absolute path and name of the file in which to store the messages

To stop recording messages, enter the following:

bash$ ./jmsTools.bash jmsRecorder stop ↵

To replay the recorded messages, enter the following:

bash$ ./jmsTools.bash jmsReplayer filename delay numberOfLoops


filename is the absolute path and name of the file that contains the recorded messages

delay is Yes or No, to specify whether to include the delays captured during the recording

numberOfLoops is an optional integer value that specifies the number of times to play the stream; if not specified, the stream plays once

End of steps