Identifying the NFM-P software release and patch level
You can include the <version xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"/> element within the body of your XML request to determine the software load installed on the NFM-P. The NFM-P returns the software load information in an XML response that has the following format:
NFM-P Version <version>.<major.minor>.<build_number>.<patch_number>
The NFM-P does not return patch information in the XML response if there are no issued patches for the software.
Figure 5-3: Timestamp and software load request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""> |
<SOAP:Header> |
<header xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"> |
<security> |
<user>username</user> |
<password hashed="false">password</password> |
</security> |
<requestID>XML_API_client@n</requestID> |
</header> |
</SOAP:Header> |
<SOAP:Body> |
<timeStamp xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"/> |
<ping xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"/> |
<timeStamp xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"/> |
<version xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"/> |
<timeStamp xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"/> |
</SOAP:Body> |
</SOAP:Envelope> |
The following figure shows a sample of the response to the request in the previous figure.
Figure 5-4: Timestamp and software load response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP=""> |
<SOAP:Header> |
<header xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"> |
<requestID>XML_API_client@n</requestID> |
<requestTime>Jun 9, 2014 3:44:23 PM</requestTime> |
<responseTime>Jun 9, 2014 3:44:23 PM</responseTime> |
</header> |
</SOAP:Header> |
<SOAP:Body> |
<timeStampResponse xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"> |
<millis>1402343063516</millis> |
</timeStampResponse> |
<pingResponse xmlns="xmlapi_1.0" /> |
<timeStampResponse xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"> |
<millis>1402343063517</millis> |
</timeStampResponse> |
<versionResponse xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"> |
<version>NFM-P Version R.r.Rx.y</version> |
<baseVersion>R.r</baseVersion> |
<build>Rx</build> |
<patch>y</patch> |
</versionResponse> |
<timeStampResponse xmlns="xmlapi_1.0"> |
<millis>1402343063518</millis> |
</timeStampResponse> |
</SOAP:Body> |
</SOAP:Envelope> |