Retrieving alarms


While ongoing monitoring of alarms is done using JMS, an OSS may need to retrieve alarms at system startup or after losing synchronization with the NFM-P. See Connection monitoring and error recovery for information about situations in which an OSS may lose synchronization with the NFM-P.

The fm.FaultManager provides several convenience methods for retrieving faults. It is recommended the methods be used instead of find or findToFile for fm.AlarmObjects. See the fm.FaultManager in the XML API Reference for all of the methods available. The most common method for retrieving alarm information is fm.FaultManager.findFaults.

See the XML API SDK Sample Code Navigator Fault directory for example alarm retrieval methods.

Alarm filtering

The fm.FaultManager.findFaults method provides options to filter alarms and display a list of alarms. The faultFilter tag is an input parameter of the findFaults method for the alarm filtering. In the following figure, the fault filter specifies that alarms returned meet the condition where the alarms have a node Id of and the last time the alarms were detected was after May 19th 2011, 12:03:12 GMT.

Figure 11-3: findFaults method example using faultFilter element
   <and class="fm.AlarmInfo">;
      <equal name="nodeId" value=""/>
      <greater name="lastTimeDetected" value="1305806592556"/>               

faultFilter method usage requires knowledge of the fm.AlarmInfo object attributes. See fm.FaultManager in the XML API Reference for information.

Alarm result filtering

The resultFilter type applies to alarms that the findFault method returns. See Chapter 6, XML API filtering for more information about the resultFilter type.

The following figure shows a findFault method filter that returns only the alarm attributes listed in the resultFilter element.

Figure 11-4: findFaults method example using resultFilter element