Schema Reference
The Schema Reference describes the structure and allowed elements of an XML document sent to the NFM-P, such as a configuration or information request. A developer can use the schema to determine the valid elements, data types, and parameters of an NFM-P functional area, or package.
Package-specific schema files
The following schema files are specific to a package:
packageMethods.xsd—describes the methods that are available to the package
packageTypes.xsd—describes the properties of each object, or class, in the package, the package information structure, and the values assigned to complex types such as bitmask and enumeration
Viewing the schema of a specific XML package
See the Network Developer Portal to access the Schema Reference. The schema page lists the method and data type files for each package.
Click on the packageMethods.xsd or packageTypes.xsd link, as required, where package is the package of interest. The schema information is displayed.