General schema files


The following general schema files describe the top level of the XML API hierarchy:

The XML schema files for NFM-P subsystems such as script management and the JMS are also available.

The following table describes the core methods that a client can use to perform specific actions. The methods are defined in xmlApiMethods.xsd.

Table 10-1: Core XML methods



Input parameters

Output parameters


To stop the creation of accounting statistics files

  • fullClassName (optional)

    Package qualified class name in dot-separated format. If this parameter is not specified, the method deregisters all accounting statistics registrations (string)

  • jmsClientId

    The JMS Client ID (string)


To stop the creation of OAM test result files

  • fullClassName (optional)

    A comma-separated list of package qualified class names in dot-separated format to deregister. the method deregisters all test results registrations. If a class is not an instance of sas.TestResult or sas.TraceHop, an exception occurs, no classes are deregistered, and the request processing terminates unless continueOnFailure is true. (string)

  • jmsClientId

    The JMS Client ID (string)

  • continueOnFailure (optional)

    Continue processing requests in the stream if an exception occurs, unless the request is invalid. The default is false. (Boolean)


To deregister an XML filter and stop advanced JMS message filtering for the client

  • jmsClientId

    The JMS Client ID (string)


To return the set of objects of a specified type that match the specified filter criteria

  • fullClassName

    Package qualified class name in dot-separated format

  • filter (strongly recommended)

    Filter which objects are returned based on the properties of the class specified by fullClassName

  • timeout (optional)

    Specifies the time, in milliseconds, after which the find operation times out. The request is aborted and an exception is returned.

  • resultFilter (strongly recommended)

    Filter which attributes are returned for each object

  • result


    The list of objects which match the given filter criteria.


To find the set of objects of the specified type that match the filter criteria, and store the result in the specified file. Upon completion of the request, a fileAvailable event is generated.

See Table 14-3, findToFile method input parameters .


To check the connectivity of the NFM-P server.


To create accounting statistics files based on the specified class type. Accounting statistics files are created and are placed in the specified directory on the server. Each time a file is created, a LogFileAvailableEvent event is generated. If there is no JMS client subscribed within a given time, the NFM-P server deregisters the request.

See Table 14-2, registerLogToFile method input parameters .


To create OAM test results file based on specified class types. Files are created and are placed in the specified directory on the server. Every time that a file is created, a LogFileAvailableEvent event is generated. If there is no JMS client subscribed within some time, the NFM-P server deregisters the request.

See Table 12-1, registerSasLogToFile method input parameters .


To register an advanced JMS message filter and begin using the filter for messages sent to the OSS client


To halt request processing for the given period of time (in milliseconds) before proceeding to the next request element.

  • milliseconds

    The length of time in milliseconds to wait before executing the next request element (long). The maximum is 60 000 milliseconds.


To view the current Java time on the NFM-P server, in milliseconds. The execution time of a command or group of commands can be determined by surrounding them with timeStamp commands and taking the delta of their return values.

  • includeFormatted (optional)

    Include formatted timestamp in the response (Boolean)

  • millis

    The difference, in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC (long)

  • timeStamp

    The time stamp (string)


To return NFM-P software release information

  • version

    The official software release identifier (string)

  • baseVersion

    The software release ID in major.minor format (string)

  • build

    The software build identifier (string)

  • patch

    The software patch level (string)