Doc Center
All Products
1000 ASAM (Advanced Services Access Manager)
1000 MM E10 (Multiservice Multimedia)
1000 Multiservice Multimedia (MM) E10 CSN / CNE
1000 S12 Switch
1000 S12 USBS (Unix Server Billing System)
1300 CMC (Convergent Network Management Center)
1300 NMC2 (Network Management Center 2nd Generation)
1310 OMC-P (Operations and Maintenance Center - Plus)
1320 CT (Craft Terminal)
1330 BPM (Billing and Performance Management)
1340 INC (Integrated Network Controller)
1350 OMS (Optical Management System)
1353 DN (Distributed Network)
1353 NM (Network Manager)
1354 BM-ETH (Broadband Manager for Ethernet)
1354 CM (Connection Manager)
1354 NP (Network Protection Manager)
1354 RM (Regional Network Manager)
1354 RM-PhM (Regional Network Manager-Photonic Manager)
1355 DN (Distributed Networks)
1356 NT (Network Toolkit)
1357 ULIS (Lawful Interception Suite)
1359 HA (High Availability)
1359 IOO (OS-to-OS Interface)
1359 ISN (Service/Network Layer OS interface)
1360 COM (Centralized Operations Manager)
1390 NPT (Network Planning Tool)
1511 MAX (Media Access Cross-Connect)
1531 CLAS (Copper Line Access Switch)
1540 Litespan Multiservice Access Gateway
1603 SMX (SONET Multi-Application Network Element)
1620 LM (Light Manager) SLTE
1625 LambdaXtreme Transport Long-Haul Solution
1626 LM (Light Manager)
1630 SX/GSX/CGSX Cross Connects
1631 GRN (1631 SX LMC for AT&T Green Project)
1631 LMC (Large Matrix Configuration)
1631 SX SMC Wideband Digital Cross-Connect System
1640 FOX (Fiber Optics eXtension)
1640 WM/OADM (Wavelength/Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer)
1641 SM (Synchronous Multiplexer)
1641 SMT (Synchronous Multiplexer Terminal)
1641 SX 4/1 Multiservice Metro Gateway
1642 EM (Edge Multiplexer)
1642 EMC (Edge Multiplexer Compact)
1643 AM (Access Multiplexer)
1643 AMS (Access Multiplexer - Small)
1646 EMC (Edge Multiplexer Compact)
1646 SM (Synchronous Multiplexer)
1646 SMC (Synchronous Multiplexer Compact)
1650 SMC STM1/4 Multiservice Metro Node
1655 AMU (Access Multiplexer Universal)
1660 CSS (Converged Service Switch)
1660 SM Optical Multi-Service Node (OMSN)
1661 SM/C (Synchonous Multiplexer-Compact)
1662 SMC STM-4/16 Compact Multiservice Node
1663 ADMu (Add Drop Multiplexer Universal)
1664 SM (Synchronous Multiplexer)
1665 DMX (Data Multiplexer)
1665 DMXplore Access Multiplexer
1665 DMXtend Access Multiplexer
1670 SM Optical Multi-Service Node (OMSN)
1671 SC (Service Connect)
1675 LambdaUnite MultiService Switch (MSS)
1677 SL (SONET Link)
1678 MCC (Metro Core Connect)
1686 WM (Wavelength Multiplexer)
1692 MSE (Metrospan Edge)
1694 EON (Enhanced Optical Networking)
1695 WSM (Wavelength Services Manager)
1696 MS (Metrospan)
1830 EPT (Engineering Planning Tool)
1830 LX (Link eXtender)
1830 OLS (Open Line System)
1830 ONE (Optical Network Extender)
1830 PPT (Portable Provisioning Tool)
1830 PSD (Photonic Service Demarcation)
1830 PSI-2T (Photonic Service Interconnect - 2 Terabits)
1830 PSI-CL (Compact Line)
1830 PSI-M (Photonic Service Interconnect - Modular)
1830 PSI-S (Photonic Service Interconnect-S)
1830 PSS-1 (Photonic Service Switch-1)
1830 PSS-12x OTN (Photonic Service Switch-12x OTN)
1830 PSS-16 (Photonic Service Switch-16)
1830 PSS-16II (Photonic Service Switch-16 Second Generation)
1830 PSS-24x (Photonic Service Switch-24x)
1830 PSS-32 (Photonic Service Switch-32)
1830 PSS-36 (Photonic Service Switch-36)
1830 PSS-4 (Photonic Service Switch-4)
1830 PSS-4II
1830 PSS-64 (Photonic Service Switch-64)
1830 PSS-8 (Photonic Service Switch-8)
1830 PSS-8x (Photonic Service Switch-8x)
1830 PSS-APA (Automatic Pre-emphasis Adjustment)
1830 PSS-CVT (CDC-F Connection Verification Tool)
1830 PSS-KMT (Key Management Tool)
1830 PSS-PSI-4L
1830 PSS-PSI-8L
1830 PSS-SUBLLTX (PSS-Submarine Line Loading Transmitter)
1830 SMS (Security Management Server)
1830 TDMX (TDM Extender)
1830 TDMXC (TDM Extender Compact)
1830 TPS (Time Sensitive Packet Switch)
1830 VWM (Versatile WDM Module)
1850 TSS-100 (Transport Service Switch-100)
1850 TSS-100C (Transport Service Switch 100 Compact)
1850 TSS-160 (Transport Service Switch-160)
1850 TSS-160H (Transport Service Switch-160 enHanced)
1850 TSS-3 (Transport Service Switch-3)
1850 TSS-320 (Transport Service Switch-320)
1850 TSS-320H (Transport Service Switch-320 enHanced)
1850 TSS-320T (Transport Service Switch-320 ETSI)
1850 TSS-40 (Transport Service Switch-40)
1850 TSS-5 (Transport Service Switch-5)
1850 TSS-5C (Transport Service Switch 5 Compact)
1850 TSS-5R (Transport Service Switch-5 Redundant)
210 WBX
3600 MainStreet Multiservice Bandwidth Manager
3600+ MainStreet Multiservice Bandwidth Manager
3630 MainStreet PRM (Primary Rate Multiplexer)
4E Replacement (N4E)
4ESS Switch
5020 MGC-10 (Media Gateway Controller for E10 Networks)
5020 MGC-12 (Media Gateway Controller for System 12)
5060 MGC-10 (Media Gateway Controller for E10 Networks)
5060 MGC-8 (Media Gateway Controller)
5060 WCS (Wireless Call Server)
5070 SSG (Signaling Server Global)
5100 CMS (Converged Messaging System)
5110 SMSC (Short Messaging Service Center)
5140 BMC (Broadcast Message Center)
5150 MAB (Messaging Applications Broker)
5199 MB (Messaging Bridge)
5400 LCP (Linux Control Platform)
5410 PS (Presence Server)
5410 XDMS (XML Document Management Server)
5420 CTS (Converged Telephony Server)
5420 PCM (Personal Communication Manager)
5420 SCG (Service Continuity Gateway)
5430 MMIM (Multimedia Instant Messaging)
5450 AGCF (Access Gateway Control Function)
5450 ISC (IP Session Control)
5520 AMS (Access Management System)
5520 AMS External TL1 GW (External TL1 Gateway)
5523 AWS (ADSL Work Station)
5526 AMS (Access Management System)
5529 APC (Access Provisioning Center)
5529 IDM (Inventory Data Manager)
5529 LRM (Large-scale Release Manager)
5529 OAD (OSS Alarm Dispatcher)
5529 SDC (Statistics and Data Collector)
5571 PCC (POL Command Center)
5620 AIM (Analysis and Inventory Module)
5620 CMIP OSS Interface Module
5620 CORBA OSS Interface Module
5620 NM (Network Manager)
5620 SAM (Service Aware Manager)
5620 SNMP DM (SNMP Descriptor Module)
5650 CPAM (Control Plane Assurance Manager)
5670 RAM (Reporting and Analysis Manager)
5780 DSC (Dynamic Services Controller)
5900 MRF (Media Resource Function)
5950 OMP (Open Media Platform)
5ESS (International)
5ESS Switch
5G - Discovery Center
5G Core Core Engineered System - Discovery Center
5G Data Management Core Engineered System - Discovery Center
5G E2E Core Solution - Discovery Center
7210 SAS (Service Access System)
7215 IXS (Interconnect System)
7220 IXR
7250 IXR (Interconnect Router)
7270 MSC (Multiservice Concentrator)
7300 ASAM (Advanced Services Access Manager)
7301 ASAM (Advanced Services Access Manager)
7302 ISAM (Intelligent Services Access Manager)
7324 RU (Remote Unit)
7342 ISAM FTTU (Fiber to the User)
7352 ISAM FTTB ONT (Optical Network Terminal)
7353 ISAM CX Compact FleXible Modular ONU
7353 ISAM FTTB Modular ONU
7354 ISAM FTTB RU (Remote Unit)
7356 ISAM FTTB REM (Remote Expansion Module)
7357 ISAM FTTB SEM (Sealed Expansion Module)
7360 ISAM FX
7362 ISAM DF/SF (Dense/Sealed Fiber)
7363 ISAM MX-6 Remote
7367 ISAM SX/DX (Sealed or Dense Flexibilty)
7450 ESS (Ethernet Service Switch)
7470 MSP (Multiservice Platform)
7510 BGW (Border Gateway)
7510 TGW (Trunking Gateway)
7515 MGW (Media Gateway)
7670 ESE (Edge Services Extender)
7670 RSP (Routing Switch Platform)
7701 CPAA (Control Plane Assurance Appliance)
7705 SAR (Service Aggregation Router)
7710 SR (Service Router)
7730 SXR
7750 Service Router (SR) Mobile Gateway
7750 SR (Service Router)
7750 SR MG - Discovery Center
7950 XRS (eXtensible Routing System)
8610 ICC (Instant Convergent Charging)
8615 IeCCF (Instant enhanced Charging Collection Function)
8650 SDM (Subscriber Data Manager)
8650 SDM Expert (Subscriber Data Management Expert)
8660 DGS (Data Grid Suite)
8661 DS (Directory Server)
8690 OSP (Open Services Platform)
8950 SAM (Services Activation Manager)
9120 BSC (Base Station Controller)
9130 BSC (Base Station Controller, Multi-BSS Fast Packet Server)
9130 MFS (Base Station Controller, MULTI-BSS FAST PACKET SERVER)
9153 OMC-R (Operation & Maintenance Center for Radio)
9216 Base Station Compact
9218 Base Station Macro
9222 Base Station Micro
9224 Base Station Sub-Compact
9226 Base Station Compact
9228 Base Station Macro
9234 Base Station Distributed
9253 OMC-RAN (Radio Access Network)
9256 OMP (Operations and Management Platform)
9271 EV-DO RNC (Radio Network Controller)
9281 Packet Switch 5ESS WirelessAMPS/PCS
9290 MMC (Mobility Manager Compact)
9370 RNC (Radio Network Controller)
9380 3G MSC (Mobile Switching Center)
9381 SGs-IWF
939x Node B
9400 LX Series Digital Microwave Radio Links
9412 eNodeB (Evolved Node B)
9500 MPR (Microwave Packet Radio)
9500 MPR (Microwave Packet Radio) - Discovery Center
9500 MXC (Microwave Cross Connect)
9600 LSY Long-Haul Digital Radio Links
9712 Outdoor Base Stations for LTE
9773 LMC (LTE Micro Core)
9926 DBS-LTE (Distributed Base Station for LTE)
9926 DBS-WCDMA (Distributed Base Station for WCDMA)
9927 DBS (Distributed Base Station)
9928 DBS (Distributed Base Station)
9929 MT-BTS (Multi Technology Base Station)
9952 WPS (Wireless Provisioning System)
9959 NPO (Network Performance Optimizer)
9959 NPO (Network Performance Optimizer) - Discovery Center
9961 MS HC (Multi-Standard Home Cell)
9962 MS EC (Multi-Standard Enterprise Cell)
9966 MS SC GW (Multi-Standard Small Cells Gateway)
9966 MS SC GW (Multi-Standard Small Cells Gateway) - Discovery Center
Access Node CAT6509 NEB - Discovery Center
Access Node CAT6509 NEB-A - Discovery Center
Access Node CAT6509 V-E - Discovery Center
Access Node MGX-8850 - Discovery Center
Access Node MGX-8850/B - Discovery Center
Acme Packet 4000 Series
Action Engine - Discovery Center
Advanced Element Management System - Discovery Center
Advanced Element Management System-II - Discovery Center
AirScale BSC - Discovery Center
AirScale BTS - 5G - Discovery Center
AirScale BTS Single RAN - Discovery Center
AirScale Cloud BTS - 5G - Discovery Center
AirScale Cloud RAN BTS - Discovery Center
AirScale Indoor Radio - 4G - Discovery Center
AirScale Indoor Radio - 5G - Discovery Center
AirScale RNC - Discovery Center
AirScale Wi-Fi Access Point AC400 - Discovery Center
AirScale Wi-Fi Access Point AC400i - Discovery Center
AirScale Wi-Fi Module AC210m - Discovery Center
ALMA IMC (Integrated Management Center)
ALMA-CEM (Alcatel Management)
Altiplano Access Controller
Altiplano Access Virtualizer
Altiplano Applications
Altiplano FastMile Controller
Antenna Systems - Discovery Center
AnyMedia Access System
Archive Cloud - Discovery Center
ATCA HW Platform - Discovery Center
AUSF_UDM Service Cloud - Discovery Center
Automated Operations and Recovery (AOR)
Automated Troubleshooting Assistant Application
B-STDX Multiservice WAN Switch
Bandwidth Sharing Optimizer
Base Station PICO M810 2.1 GHz - Discovery Center
Base Station PICO M810 800MHz - Discovery Center
BBoT - Discovery Center
Bittium_Devices - Discovery Center
BOOST Multi-Network Connectivity Solution (MNCS) - Discovery Center
Broadband Devices Solution
BroadSoft BroadWorks
BTS Mediator - Discovery Center
BTS+ for Gemini - Discovery Center
CBIS (CloudBand Infrastructure Software)
CBIS Infra Dell RMS - Discovery Center
CBIS Infra HPE RMS - Discovery Center
CBRS Domain Proxy - Discovery Center
CBX 3500 Multiservice Edge Switch
CBX 500 Multiservice WAN Switch
CDMA EBH (Ethernet Backhaul)
CDMA IPBH (IP Backhaul)
CDMA OMC-R-II - Discovery Center
CDMA-N Messaging
CellPipe Bridge/Routers
Centralized License Manager (CLM)
Cerillion Bundled Component Suite
CFX-5000 - Discovery Center
CFX-5000 Cloud - Discovery Center
Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series Switches
Cloud Controller Solution - Discovery Center
Cloud FemtoCell Manager (cFCM) - Discovery Center
Cloud Flexi Zone Controller - Discovery Center
Cloud Native Communication Suite (CNCS) - Discovery Center
Cloud Network Delivery Orchestration (CNDO)
CloudBand Application Manager - Discovery Center
CloudBand Infrastructure - Discovery Center
CloudBand Solution
CMG (Cloud Mobile Gateway)
CMG (Cloud Mobile Gateway) - Discovery Center
CMM (Cloud Mobility Manager)
CMM (Cloud Mobility Manager) - Discovery Center
CMS-8200 HSS - Discovery Center
CMS-8200 HSS Cloud - Discovery Center
CMU (Compact Mobility Unit)
CMU (Compact Mobility Unit) - Discovery Center
Corteca Home Controller
Counterpath Endpoints and Servers
CSD (Cloud Signaling Director)
CSD (Cloud Signaling Director) - Discovery Center
CSF Platform - Discovery Center
cSON - Discovery Center
Cust charge@once mediate - Discovery Center
Customer Network Verification
DACS II Cross-Connect System
DACS IV-2000 Cross-Connect System
Data Center Solution - Discovery Center
DCAP - Discovery Center
DCAP NetAct OandM Agent - Discovery Center
DDM-1000 Digital Multiplexer
DDM-2000 Multiplexers
Deepfield (Defender) 7750 DMS
Deepfield Base Platform
Deepfield Cloud Intelligence
Deepfield Compute Unit
Deepfield Defender
Deepfield Subscriber Intelligence
Digital Coherent Optical modules and Subsystems
DPR Indoor cabinet 1.6m - Discovery Center
DPR Outdoor AirCon cabinet 2.2m - Discovery Center
DPR Outdoor Fan cabinet 2.2m - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Avenue Link / HC Plus - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Download Manager - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Harmony Radio - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Harmony Trunk - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Horizon Quantum - Discovery Center
ECP (Executive Cellular Processor) Complex
EdenNet - Discovery Center
EMM (Element Mediation Module)
eMRS (Enhanced Media Resource Server)
Enterprise Voice Core - Discovery Center
Ericsson Mediaroom
eSM (enhanced Services Manager)
Event Driven Automation
Evolium 1000 E10 OCB283 Switch
Evolium 9100 BTS (Base Transceiver Station)
EWSD - Discovery Center
Fabric Services System
FastMile 4G Gateway
FastMile 4G Receiver
FastMile 5G Gateway
FastMile 5G Receiver
FastMile Solution
Femto Cells Solution
Femto Small Cells Software - Discovery Center
Femtocell LTE Residential
Femtocell LTE Residential - Discovery Center
Femtocell Multi-band
Femtocell Multi-band - Discovery Center
FIFA - Discovery Center
Fixed Network Insights (FNI)
Flatpack Outdoor power system 3kW/48V - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 15kW/48V outd AC 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 15kW/48V outd fan 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 15kW/48Vdc indoor 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48V indoor 1.5m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48V outd AC 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48V outd fan 1.3m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48V outd fan 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48Vdc indoor 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 9kW/48V indoor 1.3m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 9kW/48V outd fan 1.3m - Discovery Center
Flexi BSC - Discovery Center
Flexi BSC GSM-R - Discovery Center
Flexi Direct OMS - Discovery Center
Flexi Direct RNC - Discovery Center
Flexi EDGE Base Station - Discovery Center
Flexi EDGE GSM-R BTS - Discovery Center
Flexi Lite BTS WCDMA - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio 10 BTS EDGE - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio 10 GSM-R BTS EDGE - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio BTS EDGE - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio BTS Single RAN - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio BTS WCDMA - Discovery Center
Flexi NS - Discovery Center
Flexi Zone BTS - Discovery Center
Flexi Zone BTS TD-LTE - Discovery Center
Flexi Zone MulteFire - Discovery Center
Flexi Zone WCDMA BTS - Discovery Center
FlexiHopper Microwave Radio - Discovery Center
FlowOne - Discovery Center
Fortinet FortiGate Unified Threat Management Platforms
FPRA Flexi Power Rectifier - Discovery Center
FPRB Flexi Power Rectifier - Discovery Center
Gainspeed Access Controller
Gateway Platform
GENBAND G6 Universal Media Gateway
Genband Quantix_ePDG - Discovery Center
GEO Interface - Discovery Center
GTD-5 EAX Switch
GX 550 Multiservice WAN Switch
hiG 1600 - Discovery Center
hiQ 4200 - Discovery Center
hiQ 4300 - Discovery Center
hiQ 8000 - Discovery Center
hiS 700 - Discovery Center
hiS700SIS - Discovery Center
Home Device Manager (HDM)
HPE 5900 Switch - Discovery Center
HPE OneView - Discovery Center
I-SDK - Discovery Center
IBM Prospect for Nokia
IMS Communications
IMS-Electronic Numbering - Discovery Center
IMSI Provider - Discovery Center
IMSIMon 3G - Discovery Center
INfusion STP (Signaling Transfer Point)
iNUM - Discovery Center
IP-Base Station Controller-DO - Discovery Center
ISA (Integrated Service Assurance)
ISA-ATM (Integrated Service Adaptor Gigabit ATM Cell Switch)
ISA-ES (Integrated Service Adaptor Ethernet Switch)
iSIM Secure Connect - Discovery Center
ITM-SC (Sub-Network Controller)
L3 Analyser/Viewer (Emil) - Discovery Center
L3 Data Collector (Megamon) - Discovery Center
L3 Data Collector for Traffica - Discovery Center
LE 9353 WMS
LE Archive Cloud - Discovery Center
LE AUSF_UDM Service Cloud - Discovery Center
LE Browsing Gateway - Discovery Center
LE BSC3i - Discovery Center
LE BTS+ - Discovery Center
LE CEMoD - Discovery Center
LE CFX-5000 - Discovery Center
LE Circuit Switched Data Server - Discovery Center
LE CloudBand Application Manager - Discovery Center
LE CloudBand Infrastructure - Discovery Center
LE CloudBand Network Director - Discovery Center
LE CMM (Cloud Mobility Manager) - Discovery Center
LE CMS-8200 HSS - Discovery Center
LE CMS-8200 HSS Cloud - Discovery Center
LE EdenNet - Discovery Center
LE Flexi BSC - Discovery Center
LE Flexi BSC GSM-R - Discovery Center
LE Flexi CMD - Discovery Center
LE Flexi EDGE Base Station - Discovery Center
LE Flexi MR Base Station EDGE - Discovery Center
LE Flexi Multiradio 10 BTS - Discovery Center
LE Flexi NG - Discovery Center
LE Flexi NS - Discovery Center
LE Flexi NS - SGSN ATCA - Discovery Center
LE FlexiPacket FirstMile 200 - Discovery Center
LE FlexiPacket Hub 800 - Discovery Center
LE FlexiPacket MultiRadio - Discovery Center
LE FlexiPacket Radio - Discovery Center
LE GGSN - Discovery Center
LE hiQ 8000 - Discovery Center
LE iNUM - Discovery Center
LE LIG - Discovery Center
LE mcBSC - Discovery Center
LE mcRNC - Discovery Center
LE MMSC - Discovery Center
LE Mobility Data Backup Server (SS) - Discovery Center
LE MSC Server - Discovery Center
LE Multimedia Gateway - Discovery Center
LE NADCM - Discovery Center
LE NCIR - Discovery Center
LE NCM ATT only - Discovery Center
LE NetAct (Core, Base, NAM) - Discovery Center
LE NetAct (NAdC= AdvC) - Discovery Center
LE NetAct (OSS5) - Discovery Center
LE NetAct - Discovery Center
LE NetAct Cloud - Discovery Center
LE Netnumber Titan - Discovery Center
LE NetViewer - Discovery Center
LE Nokia Mediation - Discovery Center
LE Nokia Micro Core Network - Discovery Center
LE Nokia TAS - Discovery Center
LE NT HLR FE - Discovery Center
LE One-AAA - Discovery Center
LE One-EIR - Discovery Center
LE One-EIR Cloud - Discovery Center
LE One-MNP - Discovery Center
LE One-MNP Cloud - Discovery Center
LE One-NDS - Discovery Center
LE Open Mobile Softswitch - Discovery Center
LE Open Multimedia Gateway - Discovery Center
LE Open Telecom Application Server - Discovery Center
LE Open Telecom Application Server CLOUD - Discovery Center
LE Profile Server NPS - Discovery Center
LE RadiSys MRF - Discovery Center
LE Serve atOnce Traffica - Discovery Center
LE Serve atOnce Traffica Cloud - Discovery Center
LE Service Quality Manager SQM - Discovery Center
LE Shared Data Layer - Discovery Center
LE Short Message Service Center - Discovery Center
LE Single RAN - Discovery Center
LE SRAL - Discovery Center
LE SRAL XD - Discovery Center
LE SRT 1F - Discovery Center
LE TCSM3i - Discovery Center
LE WCDMA BTS - Discovery Center
LE WCDMA OMS - Discovery Center
LE WCDMA RNC - Discovery Center
License and Debug Application
Lightspan Access Node CF
Lightspan Access Node DF/SF
Lightspan Access Node FX
Lightspan Access Node MF
Lightspan Access Node MX
Lightspan Access Node SX/DX
LIMS - Discovery Center
Litespan-2000 Multiservice Platform
Local Maintenance Facility - Discovery Center
Location Server - Discovery Center
LTE End-to-End Solution
Lucent Control Platform (LCP)
MAG-c (Multi-Access Gateway controller)
MCAS (Modular Convergent Application Server)
MDR-8000 Compact Microwave Digital Radio
MDR-8000 Microwave Digital Radio
MegaHub 600E/ES Tandem Switches
Message Storage Application (m) - Discovery Center
Metropolis ADM Compact Multiplexer
MetroSite 50 Base Station - Discovery Center
MicroBBU FP2 6kW 15U OD fan - Discovery Center
MiLife Application Server (MAS)
MiLife eVPN (enhanced VPN)
MiLife NGIN (Next Generation Intelligent Network)
MiViewTV Interactive Multimedia Delivery Platform
Mobile Network Insights - Discovery Center
Mobile Switching Center-USC - Discovery Center
Mobility Manager G3 - Discovery Center
Modular Cell 2.0 (Modcell 2.0)
Modular Cell 3.0 (Modcell 3.0)
Monetizer - Discovery Center
Motive Service Event Management (SEM)
MRV LX Series
Multicontroller BSC - Discovery Center
Multicontroller RNC - Discovery Center
Multimedia Messaging Service Center (m) - Discovery Center
Multimedia Messaging Service Center - Discovery Center
NA-C (Network Analyzer - Copper)
NA-F (Network Analyzer - Fiber)
Navis AnyMedia Element Management System
Navis Optical CSM (Customer Service Manager)
Navis Optical DNA (Dynamic Network Analyzer)
Navis Optical Element Management System (EMS)
Navis Optical MRP (Multi-Regional Provisioning)
NavisAccess Dial Element Management System (EMS)
NavisAccess DSL Element Management System (EMS)
NavisCore Element Management Software
NavisXtend Fault Server
NavisXtend Provisioning Server
NCM (Nokia Container Manager)
NCS Infra HPE RMS - Discovery Center
NEC_iPasolink 1000 - Discovery Center
Nelmon - Discovery Center
NetAct - Discovery Center
NetAct Advanced Configurator - Discovery Center
NetAct Advanced Configurator Cloud - Discovery Center
NetAct Cloud - Discovery Center
NetAct Graylog - Discovery Center
NetAct Monitoring Framework
NetAct Reporting Suites - Discovery Center
NetGuard Audit Compliance Manager - Discovery Center
NetGuard Certificate LifeCycle Manager - Discovery Center
NetGuard Certificate Manager - Discovery Center
NetGuard Cybersecurity Dome - Discovery Center
NetGuard Endpoint Security - Discovery Center
NetGuard Framework - Discovery Center
NetGuard Identity Access Manager - Discovery Center
NetGuard Security Management Applications - Discovery Center
NetGuard Security Management Center - Discovery Center
NetGuard Signaling Security - Discovery Center
NetGuard Virtual Firewall - Discovery Center
NetManager - Discovery Center
Netnumber Titan - Discovery Center
Network Capacity Manager Application
Network Functions Manager - Mobile (NFM-M)
Network Performance Monitor Application
Network Test Automation FN
Network Test Automation IPR
Network Test Automation IPR
Network Test Automation OPT
Network Trend Analyzer
NFM (Network Fault Manager)
Nokia AAA (Authentication Authorization & Accounting)
Nokia AAA (Authentication, Authorization & Accounting) - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Cloud Infrastructure - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Data Center Manager - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Data Center Solution - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Fronthaul Gateway - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Open Rack - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame OpenEdge - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Rackmount - Discovery Center
Nokia Assurance Center - Discovery Center
Nokia Authentication and Policy Control - Discovery Center
Nokia AVA NWDAF - Discovery Center
Nokia Cloud Managed SD-WAN
Nokia Cloud Operations Manager - Discovery Center
Nokia Container Services - Discovery Center
Nokia Continuous Delivery - Discovery Center
Nokia Converged Charging
Nokia CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)
Nokia Customer Insights - Discovery Center
Nokia DevOps Automation Platform - Discovery Center
Nokia Edge Automation Tool - Discovery Center
Nokia Experience Center - Discovery Center
Nokia CPE
Nokia Group Communications - Discovery Center
Nokia LTE air-to-ground - Discovery Center
Nokia Mediation - Discovery Center
Nokia Multi-access Edge Computing Applications - Discovery Center
Nokia Multi-access Edge Computing Platform Services - Discovery Center
Nokia Network Exposure Function - Discovery Center
Nokia Network Operations Master - Discovery Center
Nokia ONT (Optical Network Terminal)
Nokia Orchestration Center - Discovery Center
Nokia Policy Controller
Nokia Policy Controller - Discovery Center
Nokia Service Enablement Platform - Discovery Center
Nokia SpaceTime Application Services - Discovery Center
Nokia TAS - Discovery Center
Nokia VAM (Voice Activation Manager)
Nokia WiFi Beacon
Nokia WiFi Mobile App
Nokia WING Digital Hub
Nokia WING Hub (Connectivity Management Platform)
Nortel Passport Switches/Routers
NSP (Network Services Platform)
NSP appliance
NSP Network Orchestration
NSP Server
NT HLR Cloud - Discovery Center
NT HLR FE - Discovery Center
NTM (Network Traffic Management)
NTP (Network Trouble Patterning)
Nuage 7850 Virtualized Services Aggregator (VSA)
Nuage 7850 Virtualized Services Gateway (VSG)
Nuage 7850-8 Virtualized Services Gateway (VSG)
Nuage SD-WAN Portal
Nuage Virtualized Network Services (VNS)
Nuage Virtualized Services Platform (VSP)
OMC-CN (Operations and Maintenance Center-Core Network)
OMS (Optical Management System)
One-EIR - Discovery Center
One-EIR Cloud - Discovery Center
One-MNP - Discovery Center
One-MNP Cloud - Discovery Center
One-NDS - Discovery Center
ONT Easy Start Professional Services
ONT Health Monitor Application
Open Border Gateway - Discovery Center
Open Mobile Softswitch - Discovery Center
Open Mobile Softswitch Cloud - Discovery Center
Open Mobile Softswitch for Railways - Discovery Center
Open Multimedia Gateway - Discovery Center
Open Telecom Application Server - Discovery Center
Open Telecom Application Server CLOUD - Discovery Center
PacketStar PSAX Multiservice Media Gateways
PCFS (Site Front End PC)
Performance Manager - Discovery Center
PMSC - Discovery Center
PODS 16.48-16000 1940 OD HEX - Discovery Center
PPS16.48-16000 - Discovery Center
Profile Server - Discovery Center
Push-to-Talk Over Cellular - Discovery Center
RadiSys_SWMRF - Discovery Center
Radware APSolute Vision
RedKnee_OCS - Discovery Center
RedKnee_PCS - Discovery Center
Relevance Solution Development Platform
Rich Communications Suite Chat Server (m) - Discovery Center
RNC5000 - Discovery Center
SC4812ET - Discovery Center
SC4812T-MC - Discovery Center
SC7224 - Discovery Center
Scene Analytics - Discovery Center
Secure Network Activation
Selection Vocoder Unit - Discovery Center
Selector Distributor Unit - Discovery Center
Serve atOnce Device Manager - Discovery Center
Serve atOnce Traffica - Discovery Center
Serve atOnce Traffica Cloud - Discovery Center
Service and Unified Resource Engine (SURE)
Service Management Platform (SMP)
Service Quality Manager (SQM) - Discovery Center
Service Quality Manager Content Packs - Discovery Center
Session Border Controller (SBC)
Session Border Controller Containerized Network Function
Session Border Controller Containerized Network Function - Discovery Center
SFGWVA Femtocell Virtual Gateway - Discovery Center
SFP Health Monitor Application
Shared Data Layer - Discovery Center
Short Message Service Center - Discovery Center
Short Message Service Center(m) - Discovery Center
Short Message Service Gateway - Discovery Center
Single RAN - Discovery Center
SJV (Subscriber Jumper Verification)
Smart Node - Discovery Center
SMM (Site Monitoring Module)
SMM (Site Monitoring Module) - Discovery Center
SPB (Smart Plan Builder)
SPS (Smart Plan Suite)
SRAL XD - Discovery Center
Stinger DSL Access Concentrator
Sun Microsystems Servers
SURPASS hiE 9200 IP - Discovery Center
SURPASS hiR 200 - Discovery Center
SURPASS hiR 220 - Discovery Center
Switch Commander - Discovery Center
TCSM3i - Discovery Center
TD Tech_Devices - Discovery Center
Tellabs_8600 - Discovery Center
Train to Ground - Discovery Center
Troubleshooting Server - Discovery Center
TSM-8000 Fault Management System
TSS (Transformation Services Switch)
UBSc 800 MHz w/ QHSO - Discovery Center
UBSc 800 MHz w/o QHSO - Discovery Center
UMC (Universal Message Center)
UMF (Unified Mediation Framework)
UMTS-NODEB - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station Compact - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station High Cap - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station High Cap Outdoor - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station Indoor - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station Mid Cap Outdoor - Discovery Center
UTF - Discovery Center
VBO (Video Broadcast Optimizer)
Virtual Networks Orchestration (VNO)
Virtual Networks Orchestration NSD (Network Service Descriptor)
VitalApps Application Performance Management
VitalART (Advanced Reporting Toolkit) Software
VitalEvent Real-time Event Analysis Software
VitalNet Network Performance Management Software
VitalQIP Appliance Manager (AM)
VitalQIP DDI Solution
VMG (Virtualized Mobile Gateway)
vMMSC - Discovery Center
vNEMS - Discovery Center
VNO Solution
Vocoder Processing Unit - Discovery Center
VoX Core Engineered System - Discovery Center
VPP (Velocix Personalization Platform)
VRM (Velocix Recording Manager)
VSR (Virtualized Service Router)
VSR-a (Virtualized Service Router Appliance)
VXMDP (Velocix Media Delivery Platform)
VXOA (Velocix Origin Application Server)
WaveStar 8TR 730 ADM 16/1 Add/Drop Multiplexer
WaveStar 8TR 780 OLS 80G Optical Line System
WaveStar 8TR 785 AM 1 Terminal Multiplexer
WaveStar OLS 1.6T Long-Haul Optical Line System
WaveStar TDM 10G (OC192 2F) Add/Drop Multiplexer
WaveStar TDM 2.5G Add/Drop Multiplexer
WaveSuite Health & Analytics (WS-H&A)
WaveSuite Network Operations Center (NFM-T)
WaveSuite Optimizer (WSO)
WaveSuite Planner
WaveSuite Resource Controller (NRC-T)
WaveSuite Service Enablement (WS-SE)
WCDMA OMS - Discovery Center
WCDMA RNC - Discovery Center
Wireless PON Solution
Wireless W-CDMA System
WNG (Wireless Network Guardian)
WPON Access Point
WPON Home Outdoor Unit
Zero Touch Services - Discovery Center
Nokia Documentation Center
Product views for frequently accessed customer documentation and network information
IP Networks
Optical Networks
Fixed Networks
Network and Industry Solutions
Cloud Networks
Mobile Networks
Retrieving information
7750 SR (Service Router)
7450 ESS (Ethernet Service Switch)
7950 XRS (eXtensible Routing System)
NSP (Network Services Platform)
VSR (Virtualized Service Router)
7210 SAS (Service Access System)
7250 IXR (Interconnect Router)
5620 SAM (Service Aware Manager)
WaveSuite Network Operations Center (NFM-T)
1830 PSS-32 (Photonic Service Switch-32)
1830 PSS-16II (Photonic Service Switch-16 Second Generation)
1830 PSS-8 (Photonic Service Switch-8)
1830 PSS-16 (Photonic Service Switch-16)
7705 SAR (Service Aggregation Router)
1830 PSS-PSI-8L
Altiplano Access Controller
1830 PSS-PSI-4L
Altiplano FastMile Controller
1830 PSS-4 (Photonic Service Switch-4)
1830 PSS-24x (Photonic Service Switch-24x)
1830 PSS-8x (Photonic Service Switch-8x)
1830 PSS-12x OTN (Photonic Service Switch-12x OTN)
7220 IXR
1830 PSS-4II
IMS Communications
1830 PSI-M (Photonic Service Interconnect - Modular)
WaveSuite Planner
PacketStar PSAX Multiservice Media Gateways
Broadband Devices Solution
7360 ISAM FX
Stinger DSL Access Concentrator
1675 LambdaUnite MultiService Switch (MSS)
LTE End-to-End Solution
5520 AMS (Access Management System)
VitalQIP DDI Solution
WaveSuite Health & Analytics (WS-H&A)
7710 SR (Service Router)
WaveSuite Service Enablement (WS-SE)
Nokia ONT (Optical Network Terminal)
WaveSuite Optimizer (WSO)
CMG (Cloud Mobile Gateway)
7750 Service Router (SR) Mobile Gateway
WaveSuite Resource Controller (NRC-T)
Deepfield (Defender) 7750 DMS
1830 ONE (Optical Network Extender)
Gateway Platform
AnyMedia Access System
VitalQIP Appliance Manager (AM)
OMS (Optical Management System)
NavisCore Element Management Software
1665 DMX (Data Multiplexer)
Nuage Virtualized Services Platform (VSP)
7362 ISAM DF/SF (Dense/Sealed Fiber)
1850 TSS-5 (Transport Service Switch-5)
Nuage Virtualized Network Services (VNS)
5650 CPAM (Control Plane Assurance Manager)
CMM (Cloud Mobility Manager)
7215 IXS (Interconnect System)
Lightspan Access Node MF
Altiplano Applications
7730 SXR
1830 SMS (Security Management Server)
9500 MPR (Microwave Packet Radio)
DDM-2000 Multiplexers
Centralized License Manager (CLM)
1850 TSS-320 (Transport Service Switch-320)
Lightspan Access Node FX
1665 DMXtend Access Multiplexer
Network Functions Manager - Mobile (NFM-M)
1663 ADMu (Add Drop Multiplexer Universal)
Session Border Controller (SBC)
5410 PS (Presence Server)
5529 IDM (Inventory Data Manager)
CBX 500 Multiservice WAN Switch
B-STDX Multiservice WAN Switch
1830 PPT (Portable Provisioning Tool)
5529 SDC (Statistics and Data Collector)
5529 APC (Access Provisioning Center)
Navis AnyMedia Element Management System
Fortinet FortiGate Unified Threat Management Platforms
7302 ISAM (Intelligent Services Access Manager)
1830 PSS-64 (Photonic Service Switch-64)
1830 OLS (Open Line System)
Nokia WiFi Beacon
Lightspan Access Node DF/SF
CellPipe Bridge/Routers
1830 PSS-36 (Photonic Service Switch-36)
MAG-c (Multi-Access Gateway controller)
1830 PSD (Photonic Service Demarcation)
License and Debug Application
1643 AMS (Access Multiplexer - Small)
1655 AMU (Access Multiplexer Universal)
1643 AM (Access Multiplexer)
5ESS Switch
9281 Packet Switch 5ESS WirelessAMPS/PCS
5ESS (International)
1830 EPT (Engineering Planning Tool)
Home Device Manager (HDM)
GX 550 Multiservice WAN Switch
7356 ISAM FTTB REM (Remote Expansion Module)
Corteca Home Controller
1631 LMC (Large Matrix Configuration)
WaveStar TDM 10G (OC192 2F) Add/Drop Multiplexer
7363 ISAM MX-6 Remote
210 WBX
WaveStar TDM 2.5G Add/Drop Multiplexer
7367 ISAM SX/DX (Sealed or Dense Flexibilty)
1850 TSS-5C (Transport Service Switch 5 Compact)
GTD-5 EAX Switch
NSP appliance
1310 OMC-P (Operations and Maintenance Center - Plus)
ITM-SC (Sub-Network Controller)
1830 PSI-2T (Photonic Service Interconnect - 2 Terabits)
7670 RSP (Routing Switch Platform)
Metropolis ADM Compact Multiplexer
Digital Coherent Optical modules and Subsystems
WaveStar 8TR 730 ADM 16/1 Add/Drop Multiplexer
NTM (Network Traffic Management)
VSR-a (Virtualized Service Router Appliance)
Event Driven Automation
1677 SL (SONET Link)
5529 OAD (OSS Alarm Dispatcher)
4ESS Switch
CBX 3500 Multiservice Edge Switch
Radware APSolute Vision
1350 OMS (Optical Management System)
1850 TSS-160 (Transport Service Switch-160)
NavisAccess DSL Element Management System (EMS)
FastMile 5G Gateway
MiLife Application Server (MAS)
1830 LX (Link eXtender)
Deepfield Base Platform
5571 PCC (POL Command Center)
Deepfield Cloud Intelligence
Deepfield Defender
Deepfield Subscriber Intelligence
7342 ISAM FTTU (Fiber to the User)
Nokia Converged Charging
5529 LRM (Large-scale Release Manager)
Fabric Services System
NTP (Network Trouble Patterning)
7701 CPAA (Control Plane Assurance Appliance)
8650 SDM (Subscriber Data Manager)
1665 DMXplore Access Multiplexer
7352 ISAM FTTB ONT (Optical Network Terminal)
Femto Cells Solution
FastMile 5G Receiver
7515 MGW (Media Gateway)
Deepfield Compute Unit
CDMA EBH (Ethernet Backhaul)
MCAS (Modular Convergent Application Server)
NavisAccess Dial Element Management System (EMS)
CMU (Compact Mobility Unit)
Nokia VAM (Voice Activation Manager)
5140 BMC (Broadcast Message Center)
1830 PSS-CVT (CDC-F Connection Verification Tool)
NSP Server
1694 EON (Enhanced Optical Networking)
Navis Optical Element Management System (EMS)
9966 MS SC GW (Multi-Standard Small Cells Gateway)
1850 TSS-5R (Transport Service Switch-5 Redundant)
Nokia CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)
SMM (Site Monitoring Module)
Lightspan Access Node SX/DX
1850 TSS-3 (Transport Service Switch-3)
4E Replacement (N4E)
DDM-1000 Digital Multiplexer
1340 INC (Integrated Network Controller)
Lightspan Access Node CF
1830 TPS (Time Sensitive Packet Switch)
5450 ISC (IP Session Control)
Network Trend Analyzer
1660 SM Optical Multi-Service Node (OMSN)
5420 CTS (Converged Telephony Server)
CSD (Cloud Signaling Director)
1642 EM (Edge Multiplexer)
ONT Health Monitor Application
9253 OMC-RAN (Radio Access Network)
1646 EMC (Edge Multiplexer Compact)
Lightspan Access Node MX
1626 LM (Light Manager)
8690 OSP (Open Services Platform)
5670 RAM (Reporting and Analysis Manager)
Altiplano Access Virtualizer
1671 SC (Service Connect)
1830 VWM (Versatile WDM Module)
1678 MCC (Metro Core Connect)
Fixed Network Insights (FNI)
1692 MSE (Metrospan Edge)
7470 MSP (Multiservice Platform)
Nokia AAA (Authentication Authorization & Accounting)
VMG (Virtualized Mobile Gateway)
1830 PSI-S (Photonic Service Interconnect-S)
MDR-8000 Microwave Digital Radio
GENBAND G6 Universal Media Gateway
Nokia Policy Controller
1650 SMC STM1/4 Multiservice Metro Node
MDR-8000 Compact Microwave Digital Radio
1360 COM (Centralized Operations Manager)
eSM (enhanced Services Manager)
9952 WPS (Wireless Provisioning System)
Automated Troubleshooting Assistant Application
7270 MSC (Multiservice Concentrator)
9500 MXC (Microwave Cross Connect)
WaveStar 8TR 785 AM 1 Terminal Multiplexer
5100 CMS (Converged Messaging System)
Network Performance Monitor Application
1830 PSS-APA (Automatic Pre-emphasis Adjustment)
3600 MainStreet Multiservice Bandwidth Manager
1359 IOO (OS-to-OS Interface)
3600+ MainStreet Multiservice Bandwidth Manager
NA-F (Network Analyzer - Fiber)
1625 LambdaXtreme Transport Long-Haul Solution
1662 SMC STM-4/16 Compact Multiservice Node
Service Management Platform (SMP)
9380 3G MSC (Mobile Switching Center)
WaveStar OLS 1.6T Long-Haul Optical Line System
1695 WSM (Wavelength Services Manager)
1646 SMC (Synchronous Multiplexer Compact)
SFP Health Monitor Application
7357 ISAM FTTB SEM (Sealed Expansion Module)
Session Border Controller Containerized Network Function
Lucent Control Platform (LCP)
NetAct Monitoring Framework
5420 SCG (Service Continuity Gateway)
Network Capacity Manager Application
1646 SM (Synchronous Multiplexer)
Bandwidth Sharing Optimizer
7510 TGW (Trunking Gateway)
ONT Easy Start Professional Services
CBIS (CloudBand Infrastructure Software)
Nokia WING Hub (Connectivity Management Platform)
9256 OMP (Operations and Management Platform)
9271 EV-DO RNC (Radio Network Controller)
MiViewTV Interactive Multimedia Delivery Platform
1850 TSS-100 (Transport Service Switch-100)
1359 ISN (Service/Network Layer OS interface)
7510 BGW (Border Gateway)
1830 PSI-CL (Compact Line)
Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series Switches
FastMile 4G Receiver
5520 AMS External TL1 GW (External TL1 Gateway)
Customer Network Verification
5060 MGC-8 (Media Gateway Controller)
TSM-8000 Fault Management System
WPON Home Outdoor Unit
SPS (Smart Plan Suite)
Secure Network Activation
1850 TSS-100C (Transport Service Switch 100 Compact)
5420 PCM (Personal Communication Manager)
Nuage 7850 Virtualized Services Aggregator (VSA)
Nuage 7850 Virtualized Services Gateway (VSG)
Virtual Networks Orchestration (VNO)
ISA (Integrated Service Assurance)
1830 PSS-SUBLLTX (PSS-Submarine Line Loading Transmitter)
Nuage SD-WAN Portal
1000 S12 Switch
5400 LCP (Linux Control Platform)
8650 SDM Expert (Subscriber Data Management Expert)
Navis Optical DNA (Dynamic Network Analyzer)
NFM (Network Fault Manager)
Navis Optical CSM (Customer Service Manager)
1300 NMC2 (Network Management Center 2nd Generation)
1830 PSS-1 (Photonic Service Switch-1)
1850 TSS-320T (Transport Service Switch-320 ETSI)
1850 TSS-320H (Transport Service Switch-320 enHanced)
1850 TSS-160H (Transport Service Switch-160 enHanced)
5620 NM (Network Manager)
1640 FOX (Fiber Optics eXtension)
9959 NPO (Network Performance Optimizer)
DACS IV-2000 Cross-Connect System
1000 ASAM (Advanced Services Access Manager)
NCM (Nokia Container Manager)
5900 MRF (Media Resource Function)
1511 MAX (Media Access Cross-Connect)
9926 DBS-LTE (Distributed Base Station for LTE)
CDMA-N Messaging
9412 eNodeB (Evolved Node B)
7670 ESE (Edge Services Extender)
CloudBand Solution
9712 Outdoor Base Stations for LTE
1320 CT (Craft Terminal)
NA-C (Network Analyzer - Copper)
8615 IeCCF (Instant enhanced Charging Collection Function)
1354 RM-PhM (Regional Network Manager-Photonic Manager)
8950 SAM (Services Activation Manager)
5020 MGC-12 (Media Gateway Controller for System 12)
5526 AMS (Access Management System)
5020 MGC-10 (Media Gateway Controller for E10 Networks)
FastMile Solution
Network Test Automation FN
ECP (Executive Cellular Processor) Complex
Virtual Networks Orchestration NSD (Network Service Descriptor)
VNO Solution
5523 AWS (ADSL Work Station)
5070 SSG (Signaling Server Global)
1353 NM (Network Manager)
ISA-ES (Integrated Service Adaptor Ethernet Switch)
Nokia WiFi Mobile App
1390 NPT (Network Planning Tool)
Nokia CPE
1660 CSS (Converged Service Switch)
9928 DBS (Distributed Base Station)
VitalNet Network Performance Management Software
7300 ASAM (Advanced Services Access Manager)
1603 SMX (SONET Multi-Application Network Element)
EMM (Element Mediation Module)
5110 SMSC (Short Messaging Service Center)
1300 CMC (Convergent Network Management Center)
9370 RNC (Radio Network Controller)
5450 AGCF (Access Gateway Control Function)
8661 DS (Directory Server)
5780 DSC (Dynamic Services Controller)
FastMile 4G Gateway
Nokia WING Digital Hub
Automated Operations and Recovery (AOR)
VXMDP (Velocix Media Delivery Platform)
1661 SM/C (Synchonous Multiplexer-Compact)
1353 DN (Distributed Network)
Acme Packet 4000 Series
5060 MGC-10 (Media Gateway Controller for E10 Networks)
9926 DBS-WCDMA (Distributed Base Station for WCDMA)
Network Test Automation IPR
DACS II Cross-Connect System
VBO (Video Broadcast Optimizer)
1696 MS (Metrospan)
7324 RU (Remote Unit)
1357 ULIS (Lawful Interception Suite)
1000 MM E10 (Multiservice Multimedia)
1000 S12 USBS (Unix Server Billing System)
9218 Base Station Macro
9228 Base Station Macro
7353 ISAM CX Compact FleXible Modular ONU
9773 LMC (LTE Micro Core)
9962 MS EC (Multi-Standard Enterprise Cell)
Network Test Automation IPR
Nuage 7850-8 Virtualized Services Gateway (VSG)
WaveStar 8TR 780 OLS 80G Optical Line System
UMC (Universal Message Center)
OMC-CN (Operations and Maintenance Center-Core Network)
Gainspeed Access Controller
VitalApps Application Performance Management
VitalART (Advanced Reporting Toolkit) Software
Litespan-2000 Multiservice Platform
9216 Base Station Compact
9226 Base Station Compact
9222 Base Station Micro
1620 LM (Light Manager) SLTE
3630 MainStreet PRM (Primary Rate Multiplexer)
MegaHub 600E/ES Tandem Switches
9400 LX Series Digital Microwave Radio Links
1540 Litespan Multiservice Access Gateway
1641 SM (Synchronous Multiplexer)
1642 EMC (Edge Multiplexer Compact)
9130 BSC (Base Station Controller, Multi-BSS Fast Packet Server)
9120 BSC (Base Station Controller)
Evolium 9100 BTS (Base Transceiver Station)
Evolium 1000 E10 OCB283 Switch
9224 Base Station Sub-Compact
9234 Base Station Distributed
7353 ISAM FTTB Modular ONU
9927 DBS (Distributed Base Station)
9929 MT-BTS (Multi Technology Base Station)
Motive Service Event Management (SEM)
Cerillion Bundled Component Suite
LE 9353 WMS
Cloud Network Delivery Orchestration (CNDO)
WPON Access Point
5150 MAB (Messaging Applications Broker)
MiLife eVPN (enhanced VPN)
MRV LX Series
Modular Cell 2.0 (Modcell 2.0)
Modular Cell 3.0 (Modcell 3.0)
1641 SX 4/1 Multiservice Metro Gateway
BroadSoft BroadWorks
7301 ASAM (Advanced Services Access Manager)
1631 SX SMC Wideband Digital Cross-Connect System
1630 SX/GSX/CGSX Cross Connects
5620 AIM (Analysis and Inventory Module)
5620 SNMP DM (SNMP Descriptor Module)
5060 WCS (Wireless Call Server)
1354 RM (Regional Network Manager)
7354 ISAM FTTB RU (Remote Unit)
1354 NP (Network Protection Manager)
9130 MFS (Base Station Controller, MULTI-BSS FAST PACKET SERVER)
9153 OMC-R (Operation & Maintenance Center for Radio)
PCFS (Site Front End PC)
1830 TDMX (TDM Extender)
1830 TDMXC (TDM Extender Compact)
Service and Unified Resource Engine (SURE)
VXOA (Velocix Origin Application Server)
NSP Network Orchestration
Network Test Automation OPT
Femtocell Multi-band
VRM (Velocix Recording Manager)
IBM Prospect for Nokia
NavisXtend Fault Server
NavisXtend Provisioning Server
VPP (Velocix Personalization Platform)
5199 MB (Messaging Bridge)
TSS (Transformation Services Switch)
eMRS (Enhanced Media Resource Server)
939x Node B
VitalEvent Real-time Event Analysis Software
SJV (Subscriber Jumper Verification)
Sun Microsystems Servers
Wireless PON Solution
Navis Optical MRP (Multi-Regional Provisioning)
Nortel Passport Switches/Routers
8660 DGS (Data Grid Suite)
9290 MMC (Mobility Manager Compact)
CDMA IPBH (IP Backhaul)
9381 SGs-IWF
1640 WM/OADM (Wavelength/Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer)
1670 SM Optical Multi-Service Node (OMSN)
1686 WM (Wavelength Multiplexer)
1664 SM (Synchronous Multiplexer)
INfusion STP (Signaling Transfer Point)
8610 ICC (Instant Convergent Charging)
1000 Multiservice Multimedia (MM) E10 CSN / CNE
1330 BPM (Billing and Performance Management)
9600 LSY Long-Haul Digital Radio Links
1631 GRN (1631 SX LMC for AT&T Green Project)
5620 CMIP OSS Interface Module
5620 CORBA OSS Interface Module
1850 TSS-40 (Transport Service Switch-40)
1359 HA (High Availability)
1641 SMT (Synchronous Multiplexer Terminal)
1354 BM-ETH (Broadband Manager for Ethernet)
1355 DN (Distributed Networks)
5950 OMP (Open Media Platform)
ALMA-CEM (Alcatel Management)
Wireless W-CDMA System
5410 XDMS (XML Document Management Server)
WNG (Wireless Network Guardian)
1356 NT (Network Toolkit)
5430 MMIM (Multimedia Instant Messaging)
1354 CM (Connection Manager)
1531 CLAS (Copper Line Access Switch)
ALMA IMC (Integrated Management Center)
MiLife NGIN (Next Generation Intelligent Network)
ISA-ATM (Integrated Service Adaptor Gigabit ATM Cell Switch)
Ericsson Mediaroom
UMF (Unified Mediation Framework)
Relevance Solution Development Platform
1830 PSS-KMT (Key Management Tool)
9961 MS HC (Multi-Standard Home Cell)
SPB (Smart Plan Builder)
Counterpath Endpoints and Servers
Nokia Cloud Managed SD-WAN
Femtocell LTE Residential
5G - Discovery Center
5G Core Core Engineered System - Discovery Center
5G Data Management Core Engineered System - Discovery Center
5G E2E Core Solution - Discovery Center
7750 SR MG - Discovery Center
9500 MPR (Microwave Packet Radio) - Discovery Center
9959 NPO (Network Performance Optimizer) - Discovery Center
9966 MS SC GW (Multi-Standard Small Cells Gateway) - Discovery Center
Access Node CAT6509 NEB - Discovery Center
Access Node CAT6509 NEB-A - Discovery Center
Access Node CAT6509 V-E - Discovery Center
Access Node MGX-8850 - Discovery Center
Access Node MGX-8850/B - Discovery Center
Action Engine - Discovery Center
Advanced Element Management System - Discovery Center
Advanced Element Management System-II - Discovery Center
AirScale BSC - Discovery Center
AirScale BTS - 5G - Discovery Center
AirScale BTS Single RAN - Discovery Center
AirScale Cloud BTS - 5G - Discovery Center
AirScale Cloud RAN BTS - Discovery Center
AirScale Indoor Radio - 4G - Discovery Center
AirScale Indoor Radio - 5G - Discovery Center
AirScale RNC - Discovery Center
AirScale Wi-Fi Access Point AC400 - Discovery Center
AirScale Wi-Fi Access Point AC400i - Discovery Center
AirScale Wi-Fi Module AC210m - Discovery Center
Antenna Systems - Discovery Center
Archive Cloud - Discovery Center
ATCA HW Platform - Discovery Center
AUSF_UDM Service Cloud - Discovery Center
Base Station PICO M810 2.1 GHz - Discovery Center
Base Station PICO M810 800MHz - Discovery Center
BBoT - Discovery Center
Bittium_Devices - Discovery Center
BOOST Multi-Network Connectivity Solution (MNCS) - Discovery Center
BTS Mediator - Discovery Center
BTS+ for Gemini - Discovery Center
CBIS Infra Dell RMS - Discovery Center
CBIS Infra HPE RMS - Discovery Center
CBRS Domain Proxy - Discovery Center
CDMA OMC-R-II - Discovery Center
CFX-5000 - Discovery Center
CFX-5000 Cloud - Discovery Center
Cloud Controller Solution - Discovery Center
Cloud FemtoCell Manager (cFCM) - Discovery Center
Cloud Flexi Zone Controller - Discovery Center
Cloud Native Communication Suite (CNCS) - Discovery Center
CloudBand Application Manager - Discovery Center
CloudBand Infrastructure - Discovery Center
CMG (Cloud Mobile Gateway) - Discovery Center
CMM (Cloud Mobility Manager) - Discovery Center
CMS-8200 HSS - Discovery Center
CMS-8200 HSS Cloud - Discovery Center
CMU (Compact Mobility Unit) - Discovery Center
CSD (Cloud Signaling Director) - Discovery Center
CSF Platform - Discovery Center
cSON - Discovery Center
Cust charge@once mediate - Discovery Center
Data Center Solution - Discovery Center
DCAP - Discovery Center
DCAP NetAct OandM Agent - Discovery Center
DPR Indoor cabinet 1.6m - Discovery Center
DPR Outdoor AirCon cabinet 2.2m - Discovery Center
DPR Outdoor Fan cabinet 2.2m - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Avenue Link / HC Plus - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Download Manager - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Harmony Radio - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Harmony Trunk - Discovery Center
DragonWave_Horizon Quantum - Discovery Center
EdenNet - Discovery Center
Enterprise Voice Core - Discovery Center
EWSD - Discovery Center
Femto Small Cells Software - Discovery Center
Femtocell LTE Residential - Discovery Center
Femtocell Multi-band - Discovery Center
FIFA - Discovery Center
Flatpack Outdoor power system 3kW/48V - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 15kW/48V outd AC 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 15kW/48V outd fan 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 15kW/48Vdc indoor 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48V indoor 1.5m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48V outd AC 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48V outd fan 1.3m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48V outd fan 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 16kW/48Vdc indoor 2m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 9kW/48V indoor 1.3m - Discovery Center
Flatpack PRSB 9kW/48V outd fan 1.3m - Discovery Center
Flexi BSC - Discovery Center
Flexi BSC GSM-R - Discovery Center
Flexi Direct OMS - Discovery Center
Flexi Direct RNC - Discovery Center
Flexi EDGE Base Station - Discovery Center
Flexi EDGE GSM-R BTS - Discovery Center
Flexi Lite BTS WCDMA - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio 10 BTS EDGE - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio 10 GSM-R BTS EDGE - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio BTS EDGE - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio BTS Single RAN - Discovery Center
Flexi Multiradio BTS WCDMA - Discovery Center
Flexi NS - Discovery Center
Flexi Zone BTS - Discovery Center
Flexi Zone BTS TD-LTE - Discovery Center
Flexi Zone MulteFire - Discovery Center
Flexi Zone WCDMA BTS - Discovery Center
FlexiHopper Microwave Radio - Discovery Center
FlowOne - Discovery Center
FPRA Flexi Power Rectifier - Discovery Center
FPRB Flexi Power Rectifier - Discovery Center
Genband Quantix_ePDG - Discovery Center
GEO Interface - Discovery Center
hiG 1600 - Discovery Center
hiQ 4200 - Discovery Center
hiQ 4300 - Discovery Center
hiQ 8000 - Discovery Center
hiS 700 - Discovery Center
hiS700SIS - Discovery Center
HPE 5900 Switch - Discovery Center
HPE OneView - Discovery Center
I-SDK - Discovery Center
IMS-Electronic Numbering - Discovery Center
IMSI Provider - Discovery Center
IMSIMon 3G - Discovery Center
iNUM - Discovery Center
IP-Base Station Controller-DO - Discovery Center
iSIM Secure Connect - Discovery Center
L3 Analyser/Viewer (Emil) - Discovery Center
L3 Data Collector (Megamon) - Discovery Center
L3 Data Collector for Traffica - Discovery Center
LE Archive Cloud - Discovery Center
LE AUSF_UDM Service Cloud - Discovery Center
LE Browsing Gateway - Discovery Center
LE BSC3i - Discovery Center
LE BTS+ - Discovery Center
LE CEMoD - Discovery Center
LE CFX-5000 - Discovery Center
LE Circuit Switched Data Server - Discovery Center
LE CloudBand Application Manager - Discovery Center
LE CloudBand Infrastructure - Discovery Center
LE CloudBand Network Director - Discovery Center
LE CMM (Cloud Mobility Manager) - Discovery Center
LE CMS-8200 HSS - Discovery Center
LE CMS-8200 HSS Cloud - Discovery Center
LE EdenNet - Discovery Center
LE Flexi BSC - Discovery Center
LE Flexi BSC GSM-R - Discovery Center
LE Flexi CMD - Discovery Center
LE Flexi EDGE Base Station - Discovery Center
LE Flexi MR Base Station EDGE - Discovery Center
LE Flexi Multiradio 10 BTS - Discovery Center
LE Flexi NG - Discovery Center
LE Flexi NS - Discovery Center
LE Flexi NS - SGSN ATCA - Discovery Center
LE FlexiPacket FirstMile 200 - Discovery Center
LE FlexiPacket Hub 800 - Discovery Center
LE FlexiPacket MultiRadio - Discovery Center
LE FlexiPacket Radio - Discovery Center
LE GGSN - Discovery Center
LE hiQ 8000 - Discovery Center
LE iNUM - Discovery Center
LE LIG - Discovery Center
LE mcBSC - Discovery Center
LE mcRNC - Discovery Center
LE MMSC - Discovery Center
LE Mobility Data Backup Server (SS) - Discovery Center
LE MSC Server - Discovery Center
LE Multimedia Gateway - Discovery Center
LE NADCM - Discovery Center
LE NCIR - Discovery Center
LE NCM ATT only - Discovery Center
LE NetAct - Discovery Center
LE NetAct (Core, Base, NAM) - Discovery Center
LE NetAct (NAdC= AdvC) - Discovery Center
LE NetAct (OSS5) - Discovery Center
LE NetAct Cloud - Discovery Center
LE Netnumber Titan - Discovery Center
LE NetViewer - Discovery Center
LE Nokia Mediation - Discovery Center
LE Nokia Micro Core Network - Discovery Center
LE Nokia TAS - Discovery Center
LE NT HLR FE - Discovery Center
LE One-AAA - Discovery Center
LE One-EIR - Discovery Center
LE One-EIR Cloud - Discovery Center
LE One-MNP - Discovery Center
LE One-MNP Cloud - Discovery Center
LE One-NDS - Discovery Center
LE Open Mobile Softswitch - Discovery Center
LE Open Multimedia Gateway - Discovery Center
LE Open Telecom Application Server - Discovery Center
LE Open Telecom Application Server CLOUD - Discovery Center
LE Profile Server NPS - Discovery Center
LE RadiSys MRF - Discovery Center
LE Serve atOnce Traffica - Discovery Center
LE Serve atOnce Traffica Cloud - Discovery Center
LE Service Quality Manager SQM - Discovery Center
LE Shared Data Layer - Discovery Center
LE Short Message Service Center - Discovery Center
LE Single RAN - Discovery Center
LE SRAL - Discovery Center
LE SRAL XD - Discovery Center
LE SRT 1F - Discovery Center
LE TCSM3i - Discovery Center
LE WCDMA BTS - Discovery Center
LE WCDMA OMS - Discovery Center
LE WCDMA RNC - Discovery Center
LIMS - Discovery Center
Local Maintenance Facility - Discovery Center
Location Server - Discovery Center
Message Storage Application (m) - Discovery Center
MetroSite 50 Base Station - Discovery Center
MicroBBU FP2 6kW 15U OD fan - Discovery Center
Mobile Network Insights - Discovery Center
Mobile Switching Center-USC - Discovery Center
Mobility Manager G3 - Discovery Center
Monetizer - Discovery Center
Multicontroller BSC - Discovery Center
Multicontroller RNC - Discovery Center
Multimedia Messaging Service Center - Discovery Center
Multimedia Messaging Service Center (m) - Discovery Center
NCS Infra HPE RMS - Discovery Center
NEC_iPasolink 1000 - Discovery Center
Nelmon - Discovery Center
NetAct - Discovery Center
NetAct Advanced Configurator - Discovery Center
NetAct Advanced Configurator Cloud - Discovery Center
NetAct Cloud - Discovery Center
NetAct Graylog - Discovery Center
NetAct Reporting Suites - Discovery Center
NetGuard Audit Compliance Manager - Discovery Center
NetGuard Certificate LifeCycle Manager - Discovery Center
NetGuard Certificate Manager - Discovery Center
NetGuard Cybersecurity Dome - Discovery Center
NetGuard Endpoint Security - Discovery Center
NetGuard Framework - Discovery Center
NetGuard Identity Access Manager - Discovery Center
NetGuard Security Management Applications - Discovery Center
NetGuard Security Management Center - Discovery Center
NetGuard Signaling Security - Discovery Center
NetGuard Virtual Firewall - Discovery Center
NetManager - Discovery Center
Netnumber Titan - Discovery Center
Nokia AAA (Authentication, Authorization & Accounting) - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Cloud Infrastructure - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Data Center Manager - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Data Center Solution - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Fronthaul Gateway - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Open Rack - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame OpenEdge - Discovery Center
Nokia AirFrame Rackmount - Discovery Center
Nokia Assurance Center - Discovery Center
Nokia Authentication and Policy Control - Discovery Center
Nokia AVA NWDAF - Discovery Center
Nokia Cloud Operations Manager - Discovery Center
Nokia Container Services - Discovery Center
Nokia Continuous Delivery - Discovery Center
Nokia Customer Insights - Discovery Center
Nokia DevOps Automation Platform - Discovery Center
Nokia Edge Automation Tool - Discovery Center
Nokia Experience Center - Discovery Center
Nokia Group Communications - Discovery Center
Nokia LTE air-to-ground - Discovery Center
Nokia Mediation - Discovery Center
Nokia Multi-access Edge Computing Applications - Discovery Center
Nokia Multi-access Edge Computing Platform Services - Discovery Center
Nokia Network Exposure Function - Discovery Center
Nokia Network Operations Master - Discovery Center
Nokia Orchestration Center - Discovery Center
Nokia Policy Controller - Discovery Center
Nokia Service Enablement Platform - Discovery Center
Nokia SpaceTime Application Services - Discovery Center
Nokia TAS - Discovery Center
NT HLR Cloud - Discovery Center
NT HLR FE - Discovery Center
One-EIR - Discovery Center
One-EIR Cloud - Discovery Center
One-MNP - Discovery Center
One-MNP Cloud - Discovery Center
One-NDS - Discovery Center
Open Border Gateway - Discovery Center
Open Mobile Softswitch - Discovery Center
Open Mobile Softswitch Cloud - Discovery Center
Open Mobile Softswitch for Railways - Discovery Center
Open Multimedia Gateway - Discovery Center
Open Telecom Application Server - Discovery Center
Open Telecom Application Server CLOUD - Discovery Center
Performance Manager - Discovery Center
PMSC - Discovery Center
PODS 16.48-16000 1940 OD HEX - Discovery Center
PPS16.48-16000 - Discovery Center
Profile Server - Discovery Center
Push-to-Talk Over Cellular - Discovery Center
RadiSys_SWMRF - Discovery Center
RedKnee_OCS - Discovery Center
RedKnee_PCS - Discovery Center
Rich Communications Suite Chat Server (m) - Discovery Center
RNC5000 - Discovery Center
SC4812ET - Discovery Center
SC4812T-MC - Discovery Center
SC7224 - Discovery Center
Scene Analytics - Discovery Center
Selection Vocoder Unit - Discovery Center
Selector Distributor Unit - Discovery Center
Serve atOnce Device Manager - Discovery Center
Serve atOnce Traffica - Discovery Center
Serve atOnce Traffica Cloud - Discovery Center
Service Quality Manager (SQM) - Discovery Center
Service Quality Manager Content Packs - Discovery Center
Session Border Controller Containerized Network Function - Discovery Center
SFGWVA Femtocell Virtual Gateway - Discovery Center
Shared Data Layer - Discovery Center
Short Message Service Center - Discovery Center
Short Message Service Center(m) - Discovery Center
Short Message Service Gateway - Discovery Center
Single RAN - Discovery Center
Smart Node - Discovery Center
SMM (Site Monitoring Module) - Discovery Center
SRAL XD - Discovery Center
SURPASS hiE 9200 IP - Discovery Center
SURPASS hiR 200 - Discovery Center
SURPASS hiR 220 - Discovery Center
Switch Commander - Discovery Center
TCSM3i - Discovery Center
TD Tech_Devices - Discovery Center
Tellabs_8600 - Discovery Center
Train to Ground - Discovery Center
Troubleshooting Server - Discovery Center
UBSc 800 MHz w/ QHSO - Discovery Center
UBSc 800 MHz w/o QHSO - Discovery Center
UMTS-NODEB - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station Compact - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station High Cap - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station High Cap Outdoor - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station Indoor - Discovery Center
Universal Base Station Mid Cap Outdoor - Discovery Center
UTF - Discovery Center
vMMSC - Discovery Center
vNEMS - Discovery Center
Vocoder Processing Unit - Discovery Center
VoX Core Engineered System - Discovery Center
WCDMA OMS - Discovery Center
WCDMA RNC - Discovery Center
Zero Touch Services - Discovery Center
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