#!/usr/bin/env python3 ### set_list.py # Copyright 2021 Nokia ### """Simple example to explain the various YANG list configuration options""" # Import the required libraries import sys from pysros.management import connect # Import the exceptions so they can be caught on error. from pysros.exceptions import ModelProcessingError def get_connection(host=None, credentials=None): """Function definition to obtain a Connection object to a specific SR OS device and access the model-driven information.""" # The try statement coupled with the except statements allow an operation(s) to be # attempted and specific error conditions handled gracefully try: connection_object = connect( host=host, username=credentials["username"], password=credentials["password"], ) # Confirm to the user that the connection establishment completed successfully print("Connection established successfully") # Return the Connection object that we created return connection_object # This first exception is described in the pysros.management.connect method # and references errors that occur during the creation of the Connection object. # If the provided exception is raised during the execution of the connect method # the information provided in that exception is loaded into the e1 variable for use except RuntimeError as error1: print( "Failed to connect during the creation of the Connection object. Error:", error1, ) sys.exit(101) # This second exception is described in the pysros.management.connect method # and references errors that occur whilst compiling the YANG modules that have been # obtained into a model-driven schema. # If the provided exception is raised during the execution of the connect method the # information provided in that exception is loaded into the e2 variable for use. except ModelProcessingError as error2: print("Failed to create model-driven schema. Error:", error2) sys.exit(102) # This last exception is a general exception provided in Python # If any other unhandled specific exception is thrown the information provided in # that exception is loaded into the e3 variable for use except Exception as error3: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("Failed to connect. Error:", error3) sys.exit(103) def set_list_method_1(connection_object): """YANG list configuration - method 1 example""" # path is the json-instance-path to the YANG list path = "/nokia-conf:configure/log/log-id" # payload is a dict including the list key-values as the Python dict keys payload = {"10": {"description": "Log ten"}, "11": {"description": "Log eleven"}} print("YANG list configuration - Method 1") print(" {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["Path", path])) print(" {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["Payload", str(payload)])) print(" {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["API call", "c.candidate.set(path, payload)"])) print(" c.candidate.set(path, payload)") # Configure the SR OS device connection_object.candidate.set(path, payload) def set_list_method_2(connection_object): """YANG list configuration - method 2 example. Method 2 requires multiple set API calls.""" # Provide the list entry data that will be iterated through list_entries = [("10", "Log ten"), ("11", "Log eleven")] print("\nYANG list configuration - Method 2") for item in list_entries: # payload is the fields to be set within the list item. # The key name and key-value are not provided. payload = {"description": item[1]} # path is the json-instance-path to the YANG lists specific item including list name, # list key name and the list key-value. path = "/nokia-conf:configure/log/log-id[name=" + item[0] + "]" print(" {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["Path", path])) print(" {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["Payload", str(payload)])) print( " {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["API call", "c.candidate.set(path, payload)"]) ) # Configure the SR OS device connection_object.candidate.set(path, payload) def set_list_method_3(connection_object): """YANG list configuration - method 3 example. Method 3 requires multiple set API calls.""" # Provide the list entry data that will be iterated through list_entries = [("10", "Log ten"), ("11", "Log eleven")] print("\nYANG list configuration - Method 3") for item in list_entries: # payload is the fields to be set within the list item. # The key name and key-value are provided even though they are # also to be referenced in the path. payload = {"name": item[0], "description": item[1]} # path is the json-instance-path to the YANG lists specific item # including list name, list key name and the list key-value. path = "/nokia-conf:configure/log/log-id[name=" + item[0] + "]" print(" {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["Path", path])) print(" {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["Payload", str(payload)])) print( " {: <15}: {: <}".format(*["API call", "c.candidate.set(path, payload)"]) ) # Configure the SR OS device connection_object.candidate.set(path, payload) def main(): """Main function to demonstrate various options to configure YANG lists""" connection_object = get_connection( host="", credentials={"username": "myusername", "password": "mypassword"} ) # Call the various configuration methods in turn set_list_method_1(connection_object) set_list_method_2(connection_object) set_list_method_3(connection_object) # Run from here if __name__ == "__main__": main()