Read Resources

In addition to reading the Device information, IMPACT may need to read specific Device resource values. In such instances, IMPACT sends a JSON using POST /devices.

Table 1. Read resources API format
Parameters Description
URL http://<adapter_hostname>:<port>/devices
Method POST
Content-Type application/json

The parameters are:

  • correlatorId - Specifies a unique identification generated by IMPACT to identify the command.
  • endPointClientNames - Specifies an array of Device serial numbers to read the resource values from.
  • resources - Specifies an array of Device resources on which Read operation is to be performed.
Sample Call
	“correlatorId”:”the correlator value”

Response Body:

	“correlatorId”:”the correlator value”,
Success Code
Response Code: 200
Error Code
400 : Bad Request
401 : Unauthorized 
403 : Forbidden 
404 : Not Found 

The Adaptation Layer responds with http status OK (200) once the data is received by the Device. The response is posted asynchronously to /m2m/device. If the correlator id is available in the command then the response must have that value populated as well.

Response - Request status

requestStatus takes one of three numerical values – 0, 1 or 2. 0 for Success, 1 for Failed and 2 for Queued. Because the response is being sent asynchronously, the value ‘2’ (queued) is not required and must not be used.

Response - Request code

responseCode takes one of the following values given in the table below. Choose the response code value that closely fits the context.

When the requestStatus is 0 (success), then the responseCode will be 0 (Success). When the requestStatus is 1 (failed) then the responseCode can be any of the response code values from the table below.

Table 2. Response codes
Response code Meaning
0 Success
1 Bad request
2 Unauthorized
3 Bad option
4 Forbidden
5 Not found
6 Method not allowed
7 Not acceptable
8 Entity incomplete
9 Precondition failed
10 Entity too large
11 Unsupported content format
12 Timeout
13 Endpoint not found
14 Unauthorized endpoint